Monday, August 1, 2016

Nature does not worry 8-1-2016

I have to remind myself of this on occasion because although I tend not to worry very much, I do find myself thinking about things that I cannot control and it manifests in my physical body in less than pleasant ways.  Which is why I did not post anything yesterday, I could barely move and felt like I was being crushed.  And I know it was because I was trying to control something that I could not in fact control.

But being in that much pain will take your mind off of those things that you should not be pondering in the first place.  It moves your focus from where it should not be in the first place.  Not that I would prefer the pain, not in the least, but it did move my focus and that is, I believe, what it was meant to do.

It also gives you a whole new perspective on all the time that you are not in severe pain as well.  I felt better this morning and was so thankful that I was not enduring another day like the past 2 days and said thank you out loud.  I say thank you for this day when I wake up and when I lay down at night, whether I have enjoyed the day or not because I am still alive.  We need the contrast to remember from time to time.

And even though I am not meant to live in the elements, unprotected from them, as nature is, I still look at it and marvel because it just all times, no matter what the weather is doing.  It does not worry or concern itself with anything but just being what it is.  And I should, too, at all times.  But, being human and having the capacity to think, I mess up, just like everyone does because we are human and let my thoughts go where they should not go.

And so for today, for this moment I need remind myself:

Nature does not worry.  So why should you?

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