Friday, August 19, 2016

Let love lead you 8-19-2016

I would like to say that I love all things equally but I would be lying.  While it may be true that I am grateful for all things equally, for the pleasant things that add more joy to my life as well as the less than pleasant things that add wisdom to my life, I cannot, in all honesty, say that I love them all equally.

For instance, I love nature, I really do or I would more than likely live in the city rather than in a rain forest and yet I cannot say I love that rain soaking me as I walk to get on an air conditioned bus to freeze for over 2 hours to get to work, as much as I love the forest.  And yet on a day off it can pour outside and I love that, the sound, the smell, the cooler temperature, as much as I love the forest itself.

I do try to let love lead me to anything, everything and everyone that the universe wants for me to experience.  And I am utterly grateful for it all, but perhaps I do not love it all the same.  And that is okay.  It is the contrast, after all, that we are after in this physical form and without it we would never know what we want or don't want, like or don't really care for.  So it is all good.

Yes I have missed a few days here on my blog, work happens and with that a lot of commute time with it, which takes away from time on my computer.  But for right now, that is as it should be and I will continue here as I can, when I can.

In the kindtime I will let love lead me and I sincerely hope that you:

Let love lead you.

Feel free to join me here as well:

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