Friday, August 12, 2016

Faith 8-12-2016

This is so very true, especially if you think of mountains as obstacles or blockages.  When you doubt, you certainly create blocks and obstacles in your path because what you believe makes all the difference in the world and if you do not believe in yourself you can never get very far.  Faith, the substance of things hoped for, on the other hand, can and does move them.

While I believe in our own energy within each of us and what can and does happen depending on the frequency or vibration of our thoughts, there is also a universal energy, that contributes as well.  Right now that energy is a bit whacky but not taking it in as your own  will help steer you from its negative effects.

After having been unemployed for the past year and a half, other than making my chimes, I was hired for a position on the 3rd and won't actually start until after the 20th, so I have been feeling somewhat in limbo, oddly.  And since I have never been a morning person, I have to "practice" going to bed earlier and getting up earlier, and have found that being out and about in the morning is easier when hiking the hill coming home earlier in the day in particular.

But then I seem to lose any energy I may have thought I had after getting in, making it harder for me to motivate myself to do the things on my computer that I feel I need to do.  And so I miss days blogging, like the past couple of days, while being out and about and coming home drained.  This is not likely to improve much when I do start work, given the 2 hour commute each way added to 8 hours of work.  This thought does not thrill me in the least.

But it is a positive step in the right direction and the fact that someone is willing to give me a chance to work is a blessing in itself and I do look forward to working with this fine group of folks.  But my little blog here may suffer (or not) and I will only likely have time to post on my days off.  On the other hand, the work and socialization may energize me and I will have more stories to share so maybe not.

And so when I read those words (from the poster) they meant something to me, in that if I keep the faith that I can keep the pace with my blog no matter what happens on work days, energywise, I can do it all.  If I doubt, that then surely I will fail miserably at it, since I will be creating a block or obstacle for myself.  And so this:

With faith you can move mountains, with doubt you can create them

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