Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Provider of happiness 8-16-2016

I was in the middle of an Abraham Hicks marathon of sorts and this statement grabbed me.    It is so very true and besides no one else is responsible for your happiness but you anyway.   Laying it on someone else is holding them hostage in a way and no one does want that.

We are responsible for choosing our own happiness and it should not depend on anyone or anything outside of you, ever.  You may think something outside of you "makes" you happy but it is merely you choosing to be happy because of it, the main point being you CHOOSE to feel that.  But in reality it has or had nothing to do with that thing outside of you, it happened within you by your choice.

You come into this life to experience all the different emotions of being human but that is not who you are, you are the spirit being that observes it all and are whole and complete always, whether you inhabit a body or not.  But you came for the contrast.  In spirit form you are not attached to anything and you know that everything just is and is as it is meant to be.

But you are the only person who can truly provide your happiness and if you lay that on anyone else then you are indeed holding them hostage since they cannot choose happiness for you.  And in turn it will, being the unkind act that it is, make that person less likely to choose happiness over frustration.

Think about it....if you are the person that knows and chooses your own happiness and someone else wants you to "make" them happy, how happy can you really be about that?  If they want you to "make" them anything it means that they have given up their power and that is a sad thing which will not add a thing to your happiness, only frustration.  Or at least that is my personal feeling.

I will never expect anyone to provide my happiness for me because it is not their position to do so, it is mine, and my choice alone.  As it is for every single person.  And so:

No one wants to be held hostage as the provider of your happiness.

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