Thursday, June 2, 2016

Doubts and fears 6-2-2016

This is true, doubts and fears are the killers of dreams.  It links back to what I said about being open to your dreams.  You cannot say you believe something and doubt it at the same time. The fear thing is a tad different.  Saying, for instance, I believe I can zip line or para sail and still be afraid will not necessarily keep you from doing those things if you really desire to them, but if you doubt that you can, you will never even try.

On the other hand, if you are too afraid of any thing, you will not attempt it.  A certain amount of fear at trying something new is okay, so long as you are not so in fear you never try.  You dream of travel but are afraid to fly?  You will never see that dream then will you?  I look at fear and doubt as cousins of a sort.  I really don't fear much of anything.  While it is true there are things I am less fond of (mosquitoes and spiders and fleas, for instance)  I do not fear them, I just find them annoying and lacking a purpose for anything good.  Seriously, what good do blood sucking little flying and jumping insects do for the good of anything?   But I digress...  Both fear and doubt are related in a sense that they can keep you from doing anything.

It is self sabotaging to harbor these if you dream of more for yourself.  You were meant to live a full, joyful life.  Not just get by or "survive" or merely exist.  What kind of life is that?  But you have to ditch the fear and doubt in yourself to realize your dreams and desires.  And once again, yes, I say this to remind myself as much as anyone else.  This blog is just me, sharing my thoughts and feelings and if you are reading them and they help you, that is great.  And it is also perfectly fine if no one else is looking at or reading my blog, I am not attached to that anyway.  

I just question why you would dream of or desire a thing you are in fear of happening or getting.  See how silly that sounds?  And if you are trying to manifest your dreams or desires, why would you doubt them as if they could never really happen for you?  Just something to ponder.....

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