Saturday, June 25, 2016

Habits are mental 6-25-2016

Habits are mental conditioning, plain and simple.  And yes, the feelings can be quite physical as well as I will demonstrate shortly.  Our brains are a phenomenal thing really and can adapt as need be.  Think of an animal (or person for that matter) who loses a limb, they do not just roll over and die for the lack of it, they adapt to what their new physical reality is and the brain helps accomplish it through our neuronal pathways there.

For the sake of showing you how habits are a mental process, clasp your hands together as in the photo above, (not exactly as the photo, it is there merely for reference as to clasping hands in case my verbiage is incorrect), without looking because whether the left or right thumb are on top is irrelevant at this point, which is to clasp your hands in what feels comfortable to you.

Now, look down at your hands and see whether the right or left thumb is on top.  Ok, got it?  Now unclasp your hands and turn them just enough to re-clasp them with the opposite thumb on top.  Feel awkward?  Chances are good that if your right hand is your dominant one that your right thumb was on top to begin with and vice versa.  But if you practice both, then either feel "right" because  you have sent the message to your brain that triggered a new neuronal pathway.

And any habit can feel comfortable, good or bad, on a mental or physical level, until you practice other habits that create new pathways.  Having sustained a brain injury years ago where I did not know my own name, let alone how anything in the world was done, I had to create new pathways and now I can pretty much do anything comfortably.  I have always been curious and loved to experiment, that is how we learn, and it is just easier and more comfortable for me to be a little ray of sunshine.

Not that I haven't always been, mostly I have, but I have been through things that caused situational depression and I have learned that it did not help my situation one bit or myself and my mental and emotional health for that matter.  And so I always strive to look for the next best feel good thought, to stay in the flow of feeling good because that is where our power comes from that best suits us.

I prefer to choose happiness for myself rather than reach for a pill that will help me not give a crap how I feel, which really only benefits big pharma and not the individual they hook on their drugs, unless the person has an actual chemical unbalance.  Most do not, in my opinion, it is just such a chaotic world that many people see who are glued to the media, who would have you see all the negative and not the positive which takes place right next to it.  I digress, as my point is that happiness is an inside job and if you tap into the power that is within you, you shall find it.

Your brain is a very powerful ally and can help you if you are willing to tap into it, experiment, and see that nothing outside of you need have any affect on what is inside of you.  The universe has a sense of humor.  It has laid the most powerful tool in the spot that most will never look, right within you.

If you catch yourself clasping your hands and going back and forth with it, you are on the right track to seeing the power within you.  Plus it brings a smile to my face thinking of people clasping and re-clasping their hands in practice :-)

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