Monday, June 20, 2016

Love is love 6-20-2016

I was talking about communication the other day in my post and how we all don't communicate the same way and so misunderstandings occur.  But love is love and seeks only to love, therefore it overcomes even communication barriers.

We communicate differently because of our upbringing and how we learned to communicate as children from the elders in our lives.  Then it is colored by our experiences and the baggage we carry and then some years ago we, as a society, decided to become politically correct in what would "could or should" say and what was acceptable or not.

I am all for non-discrimination and speaking more kindly in general, but are we really so callous that we need to have that 1% who run our country tell us how and what to say?  But I digress... My point is that it was added into the mix of how we communicate.  Just because we are told that something is acceptable or not, does not necessarily make it the gospel truth and our souls, love itself, knows better, seeks better.

But with all of that, we can miscommunicate when we are not using the "language" that another person uses, from a different point of reference.  So it is important to try to understand their background and how they may take what you are saying, as your intentions may be totally honorable and yet not taken that way at all.

On the other hand, if you do keep the bridge of communication open and keep the dialog going, you can come to the understanding that was meant in the first place.  Unconditional love is about accepting people where they are and seeing things from their perspective.  They could just be having a less than stellar day and what you say may hit them wrong.  If you care about them, you will do whatever is required to resolve the difference of perspective.  A little love goes a long way.  And so it is that:

We don't all communicate the same way, but love is love.

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