Tuesday, June 14, 2016

On being disrespectful 6-14-2016

If you care about someone I can't grasp why you would choose to be disrespectful to them but I do see it happen time and again.  So this is my response to those who would choose to be disrespectful to me.  I will basically "unfriend" you.  It does not mean that I don't still love you, that never changes, it means I will love you from afar.

I have a lot of friends and on Facebook I have hundreds of requests to be friends that I have chosen to ignore for the time being, simply until I get to know something about those making the requests.  I am not sure how those people found me to make their requests and as loving as I am, I do love myself enough to protect myself from those who may have less than desirable motives.  You just never know.

I do NOT need to get pictures of men's body parts in my messages (and yes that has happened) because then I have to control my snarky side and not reply, I merely block them.   Why would you do that to a stranger anyway?  Seriously?  On the other hand, if you are kind and have something intellectual to exchange, I love hearing others' ideas and thoughts.

But the disrespect is not limited to strangers, no, it includes dear friends, too, even family members.  And I will distance myself from those who choose to be disrespectful to me.  There are those who can tell you this is true.  It is also possible to work your way back into my inner circle, I am not heartless nor do I want to deprive you of all the love and friendship I can offer, but it takes time.  And respecting my boundaries is the single most important way to get back in.

Boundaries are vital, they tell people what you think of yourself by what you will and will not allow.  I had a high school teacher who said "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything" and being the rebel that I always have been, I was standing for something that was likely frowned upon but he admired my willingness to stand for something.

Boundaries keep people from walking all over you.  You are not a doormat.  Don't act like one.  Stand up for yourself, let people know you are worthy and will not tolerate disrespectful behavior.  And watch how people come around to being respectful if they want to be around you.  True story.  You are worthy, created for a purpose, of love, to love and be loved.  You were not created to be walked on or anyone's punching bag, either physically or emotionally.

So, yes, you have the right to be disrespectful, but I have the right to distance myself from you. 

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