Tuesday, June 7, 2016

On being correct 6-7-2016

I said this to a friend of mine yesterday when we were talking about life in general.  You know, those conversations that just flow from one thing to the next and about life in general?  And it occurred to me that I have never been one who was into being politically correct as society would condition us to be, or the need to be correct at all.  It is just that I usually am correct.  Ask my kids, it has always kind of blown them away.

It is not that I know everything, although I do know a lot, from watching and observing throughout my life, so when I say something, I usually know what I am talking about.  I can learn from observing other peoples' "mistakes" on what works and what doesn't, as well as from my own past on what has worked and what hasn't.  I would not go so far as to call them mistakes and that is why I put it in quotes above.  I consider them all as learning opportunities.

I do joke with my BFF when I flub something that "I made a mistake" but in such a lighthearted tone so as not to take it too seriously.   If you look at things as mistakes, you may have guilt over them.  I prefer not to guilt myself for my choices and accept them for the opportunities for growth that they are, so I have no regrets.  Are there some things I would do differently if I had to do them again?  No, there are not, because everything that I have been through and done to this point in my life has made me the fine being I am.

And I am comfortable in my own skin, with who I am, and how much I love and that love includes myself, just another being on a journey through this life experience with all the other beings on theirs at the same time.  I am constantly striving to listen to the universe and her messages for me, and the universe, or source, already knows all things, as do we, and is always trying to remind us that we do.  We come in with everything we will ever need in this life, it is just about reconnecting to it after learning as a child how to conform to what society expects of us.  But how can you improve society if you think as they do?

Einstein said that you cannot solve the problem with the same thinking that created it.  And being the little nonconformist that I am, I think for myself, I observe and I learn.  And I have learned it is far better to be loving than to be correct.  And on this journey, I have no particular "need" to be correct, politically or otherwise, it is just that I am correct so many times :-)

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