Wednesday, June 29, 2016

What Matters 6-29-2016

I believe that most people have multiple groups of friends and I may well be wrong or delusional about that, but I myself have different groups of friends, from different places.  Some I grew up with, went to school with, many I have met in different places along life's journey.  And I love them all equally, from my heart and soul.

It doesn't matter to me if you are or are not a part of any one of these groups or all of them, I love each person individually because they are in my life.  Your affiliation with anyone else does not matter to me, I love you because you are you.  Period.

It is called unconditional love and it is not based on you meeting any criteria or standards.  I simply love you as another soul that I see the beauty in.

And I don't really comprehend the logic of a group mentality that if one person should step back from the group for their own growth, why many in the group will turn their backs on someone they claimed to love.  That is conditional love folks and not what we are meant for.  That person who steps back has something the group needs because only they have that gift to give. 

And it is one thing to wish them well and another thing entirely to basically cast them out of your life altogether.  You can give a person space without deserting them, completely erasing their existence from your life.  If you do that you are the one who will suffer the most, not the one who stepped back.  They will go merrily on their path, as they should, without abandoning you, just doing what they are meant to do.

If the group or pack mentality is not beneficial to your growth, it is in your best interest to step back.  Not desert individual people from those groups, but to step back from the crowd, as it were.  You came into this physical world to shine, like the light that you are, not to be dimmed by others around you.  If they desert you, it is for the best as they did not love you unconditionally anyway.

Your soul has a purpose and it is to love, unconditionally.  Imagine a world where everyone did.  Can you?  So those who do not yet understand or practice unconditional love are not meant to be in your orbit until they do.  Our actions speak volumes and letting your light of love shine will draw them to it when they are ready for it.  Let your light shine <3

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