Saturday, June 18, 2016

Meeting of the hearts and minds 6-18-2016

For me, personally, there can be a meeting of the hearts long before  any words are spoken.  I see souls, not just physical bodies and so I can fall in love with a person in my heart long before we ever exchange words.  And when there is a connection of hearts, there can be differences that can attempt to divide them, however, if you can use your words, then you can have a meeting of the minds as well and I think only by having the heart connection can you do that.

If you are not invested in another person, through your heart, it may seem like no great loss if you never see them again, which means there was no meeting of the hearts that took place, yes?  But if you are invested in another human, you want to keep them close in your heart and you will do whatever it takes to find a way to do so.

I had a misunderstanding with someone I hold dear and I was trying to be as kind as I could and I was being misunderstood as well.  But, given I have that heart connection, I was trying my hardest to find a better way to express my thoughts more clearly so that we could resolve the difference.

We don't all communicate the same way.  And we all carry different baggage that shapes how we hear things.  Finding (or building) that bridge is vital to keep the connection close.  Sometimes we do have to distance ourselves from some people, for whatever reason, but I believe that if you can avoid that altogether that the relationship will be closer and stronger.  Such was the case with my friend who I adore and am richer for having her in my life.  If she did not care for me the same way I care for her, it may not have turned out as happily for me.

And so if there is a meeting of the hearts, there can be a meeting of the minds.