Monday, June 27, 2016

Faith 6-27-2016

Faith, the substance of things hoped for, a belief in something you cannot yet see, is a wonderful thing.  But leaving yourself out of the equation may not get you as close to it as fast.  Since we are all connected to the Divine, and made in its likeness,  with the same power as our creator, if you do not have faith in yourself and that spark of divinity within you, how strong can your faith be in the Divine itself?

Not to get at all religious here, but biblically speaking, the scripture says that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can say to the mountain to move and it must move.  But where does faith dwell?  Like the Divine, it dwells within you.  So if you do not have faith in yourself and your power, then you lack the faith to move the mountain, relying on something outside of yourself to move it.

If you believe that you were designed by a divine creator or deity, how can you not see that when you look in the mirror?  How can you not love that person in the mirror the way that your creator loves you, who is loving itself within you, created you in its likeness?

And by likeness I am not referring to physical attributes as anyone can plainly see, who looks, that we do not all resemble each other physically at all.  It is that spark, that love that is within you that is the likeness, the power to believe in your power. A power you cannot see until you trust in it, put faith in it and watch it manifest what you ask of it to manifest.  Be it moving a mountain or providing you clear guidance each day.  That still small voice they speak of, that is your divine voice, the one who wants to guide you to your highest and greatest good.  It is within you and so:

Faith in yourself is the bridge to what you want and where you want to be.

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