Sunday, June 12, 2016

Fear of Change 6-12-2016

It is human nature, mostly EGO nature, to fear the unknown and so we resist change but that keeps us trapped where we are.  However, fear is a learned behavior, we don't come into this world afraid of anything and everything, we are taught to fear.  Many of those lessons are for our own safety, such as not touching the hot stove, but many are just behaviors our parents learned from their parents who only knew what they knew and on and on it goes.

And if you are happy with your life and where you are, it is most likely because you do not fear change, you relish it, so this message is not intended for your growth.  No, it is for those who feel stuck and yet cling to what is instead of letting it go so they may have the better experiences that would come in.

So, somewhere in your past, you had an experience (or even many) that perhaps did not end well, according to your expectations, and you formed an opinion of it and made the decision to never do that thing again.  The problem was not the experience itself, it was your expectations that caused the problem in your mind and closed you off from doing anything even remotely like it again.  Fear.

But you are here, in the physical body, to experience different things.  And that includes all things.  Pleasurable and less than pleasurable.  The unpleasurable is what we generally cling to and fear repeating but in essence those are the lessons that teach us the most.  And in learning those lessons we strive to make better choices for our lives, to have more pleasurable experiences.

We all struggle with something, it is part of the human condition, but we need not fear changing either ourselves or our circumstances because if we do, nothing ever changes.  To me that is scary.  It is ironic that we want what we want but we fear having it.  For it is only fear that keeps us from obtaining it.  It is fear that makes us feel unworthy of having what we want.  It is fear that keeps us from moving forward and only looking back.  But we have already been there.  We have to look where we are going (or want to go) in order to get there.

If you are still where you were a year ago (or 5 years or 10) then you have not changed and so neither have your circumstances, most likely.  The reason the rear-view mirror on your car is smaller than the windshield is because it is a small reference point, not the focal point.  We are meant to move forward, into our greatness, not stay where we are or move backwards.

The point is not to fear change and loose your expectations while you are at it.  Just be the amazing being you are, always have been and always will be, and move towards your dreams and desires, without fear.  Fear keeps you trapped where you are, what is scarier than that?

1 comment:

  1. So true Chris, fear brings you nowhere but still has consequences. Choose love, always. Always think twice what is the intention, my fear or love. Because your outcome depends on that.
