Friday, June 24, 2016

Poop sandwich 6-23-2016

It is not what you are thinking, which is part of the problem.  For the younger generation, let me first say that back in the day money, currency was referred to as bread and I heard this sentiment uttered more than once.  But money is not your true currency.

For me, my currency is love and kindness, what I am made of and to do and my thoughts and feelings dictate what that looks like in my reality.  Your true currency is the inherent value of you, which is immeasurable.

So yes, if you look at life in less than positive terms, you are going to taste a lot of poop.  And though poop may surround me, I do not allow it in, not into my thoughts or feelings or into that peaceful center of me.  So I taste very little poop in my sandwich of life.

I don't personally know of anyone who has not at least heard of the Wizard of Oz, or anyone who has not seen it.  It was a fantastic metaphor of life and in the end the good witch Glinda says "you had the power all along" and we do.  It is in us from our beginning and with us at our end, all we need do is recognize and remember that fact.

If you are tasting a lot of poop, chances are good that you are living from your ego, which would have you believe that your happiness lies somewhere outside of yourself (it is vicious like that because it would have no purpose if you woke up and knew that it was within you all along) and so you are seeking outside for your happiness and contentment.  And so you are disappointed when that thing you thought would make you happy is not "it" and you seek for the next thing.  You shall never find it.  It does not lie outside of you, it is within you.

But I will tell you that you are the source of your own unhappiness or happiness, your "sandwich" and it is all in what you think, say and feel.  No one can make you feel anything, you choose your feelings.  Period.  If another can make you feel anything it is because you have given them your power.  And then you will taste more poop.  I prefer not to give my power to anyone else. Therefore I taste less poop.

So love yourself and others, it is the best currency one can have because:

Life is a poop sandwich, the more bread you have the less poop you taste.

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