Monday, May 21, 2018

Another busy day

I wanted to post this yesterday but hadn't taken pictures with my phone:

Weirdly, Etsy won't take pictures from my phone (like here) but it wants it from a camera (which it won't let me do here) so I always take pictures with my 35MM for there and forget about the phone pics for here.  I barely remember what I did first thing in the morning, blogged, had coffee, oiled all my scissors (it needed to be done and I was there, they were there, the oil was there) and got ready to go out for a bit, hoping the weather would warm up.  I do remember the cold and how sluggish it made me.

Took off for Walmart to get more swivels for more chimes and glue for my magnets (they make lovely little thank you gifts, with the blown glass rounds I have gotten) that I make and hit Goodwill to sign in saying I had been there to check on my application, I could so work there, maybe I said that already but it is still true.  Found the tea light holder I needed for the above chime, bought some tea lights and meandered home.  Where I proceeded to build this:

And as promised the sound video from the first chime above:

Then I went back and started a new chime before I had to go out and do the poop patrol and 3 dogs can poop a lot.  Having never had 3 at one time, I just didn't realize.  Whoa.  Then I played with them, filled their water bowl and went back to the porch and worked on the chime a little more, trying to pace myself ya know.  I will finish it and post it to Etsy today.  Puttered around the front flower garden and watered some things the sprinkler apparently doesn't hit and while watering some gerraniums, I look down and I have a lizard on each foot.  Lizards on my shoes, that is a first for me.  Made me think of my niece Amber and how she would freak out if she even saw them, let alone had them climb on her shoes.  I had to laugh.  I love you Rini, but you are still a girlie girl and need to spend more time with nature.  It's not at all freaky, but rather beautiful.

Turns out the squash was very tasty and I enjoyed it.  I puttered around the rest of the evening, thinking about Danial, who texted he would come visit in September on his vacation, which thrills me no end.  Good friends are the best thing in life.  That and mint chip ice cream.  Ok, and Belgian waffles.  In reality there is so much to be thankful for and I love it all but there are some things that just top the list. 

If this seems to make less sense than usual, I do apologize, but I went to bed late, got up early and I am not really awake yet.  I was going to try to get this done early and posted for my friend Dee, and yet my thoughts are not yet coherent.  Perhaps I will go ahead and post it and add another post later.  I have a lot to do today before Bev gets home.  You know, domestic stuff like the floors, which are not dirty but I haven't swept in about 5 days.  It stays clean because I am seldom indoors, only passing through to get coffee, food, or go to the bathroom.  But I will do it anyway.  Plus I have my chime stuff all spread out on the little table and wicker love seat on the porch which is not looking very tidy at the moment.  And I am sure there is more on my to do list that has yet to surface in the fog that is my brain of a morning.  SO for now, I shall leave you until later.

Oh, there is this, the little tea light chime at night :-) :

Be well and all my love.

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