Saturday, May 26, 2018

Good Morning World

The newest chime video:

I may not have time today to build a new one so you may be spared a video first thing in the morning :-D  But, even with the cold and errands yesterday I did manage to create that one.  My high school colors.  I was already thinking about it when Bev asked me what my plans were for the chopper (which had been sitting on the little table on the porch for a few days) and I asked what her thoughts were.  She said she thought with the silver that bright colors like reds and blacks would look good.  Simpatico.

After she left for work, I worked on yesterdays blog then meditated for about an hour and my only plans that involved the indoors were to do laundry and make some potato salad, for which a shopping excursion would be required.  Sure, she had mayo, I had now discovered, but nothing else with which I needed.  Like potatoes.  No biggie, I had 30.00 and figured it wouldn't break the bank.  And since I was freezing outside and weeding and fencing were not happening with the temps and the rain, it would mean indoor adventures for the day.  Well, maybe.  Definitely no weeding or fence building.

I went in to start my laundry and sorting through my laundry basket I realized I had a pair of socks that I had not safety pinned together in there.  I do that with all my socks, safety pin each pair together so they stay together. I don't trust washers not to send one of a pair off to the netherworld.  Then I wondered if I was the only person on earth to do that.  On the ship people asked me about it and I asked if they ever came up a sock short after doing laundry.  Every one said yes of course and I said now I don't.  I thought it was wise.  It has been.

Went down to the laundry room where I found Mickey:

^ This is what he does whenever I pet him, flops down and outstretched 

(these were taken later) the huge cat, still in bed.  His bed is on top of the dryer, I guess he likes it in there, quiet, cozy and undisturbed. At least until I got there. I had not planned to wear fur for the day but once he saw me the love fest was on and I was wearing black so indeed I wore fur for the day.  He must weight about 23 pounds I think and he is tall and long so it is hard to tell from the pictures just how immense he is.  But he is HUGE.  well fed, too.

So I got the first load in and took off for the store.  On the way I pulled over and had a chat with Google (I do that ok?) and asked which was cheaper Winco foods or Fred Meyer and she said Winco so that is where I went.  Having never been in there, but passing it many times, I was in awe the minute I stepped through the door.  My new favorite store.  I know people up here swear by and are very loyal to Fred Meyer because of the gas points but the prices they charge, to me anyway, don't seem to equal savings in a real way.  I suppose if you are at the pump and put 30 gallons in your vehicle on a double points day the savings can be good but for the average fill up, for what you spend in the store, not so much.

ANYWAY, once in Winco, within 10 feet of entering, I found mustard (which was on my short little list)  and said OH HAPPY DAYS as I looked at the prices. Better than Sam's club even, for me that is wonderful since there is no Sam's club within a 100 miles, and proceeded forward into the produce section for my potatoes and onions. And what do I spy but a bin full of watermelons? Watermelons at 16 cents a pound is what I spied.  Not on the list but doing some quick calculations in my head I figure I can squeeze a watermelon right onto the list. Yes I got one:

12.36 pounds, though it felt much heavier to carry, I double bagged that baby so I could have handles.  A mere $2.22 (let that sink in) and the 3 pounds of bananas behind it for $1.45 so I was happy to  have fresh fruit to take home.  It's good for digestion and at my age that is very important.  Plus it just tastes wonderful.  After buying what I needed and a few things I did not NEED so much as desire since the prices were so low, I checked out and left my $30.00 but was so pleased with my purchases I even took a picture in the parking lot before putting it all in the truck:

Only people in Hawaii will truly appreciate the significance of 4 packages of groceries for $30.00 since I was lucky to get out with one package there for the same price.  I sat there for a few moments, basking in the glow of a wonderful shopping experience, in the parking lot, just taking in the view.  And this is what I was viewing:

Perhaps not the most glorious sunshiny day but beautiful all the same.  With Hillary Stagg playing on the CD in the deck and this amazing view it was almost hard to drive away.  Almost. But I did in fact drive away and headed home to put my groceries away. Then, so pleased with that excursion, I sat down and made the chime. I felt productive for the day. Finished my laundry, check, went grocery shopping, check, made a chime, check.  But then I was so cold I decided to go in and make my potato salad.  That completed, I took my nice little plate of dinner (red beans and rice, mmm) out to eat and the gardener was here.  I watched him as I ate, had a smoke and went back in, it was just too cold out for me.

The evening was pretty tame, just puttering about, washed the sea glass I had collected my last day in Hawaii, just prepping it for a chime.  Caught the tail end of Hawaii 5-0 which was a bit of a bummer since I forget that everything starts later here than in Hawaii and if I start work soon I am apt to never see another program for the duration anyway.

I went out a few minutes ago and checked in on my little garden and was pleased with the progress, given the cold cloudy day yesterday, that is has made.  The bigger tomato has little flowers on it, the cucumbers have grown tendrils, the lame tomato is looking healthy and taking off finally AND, joy of joys, one of my spaghetti squash seeds is taking off, too!  Happy Chrissy.  I think it is a squash plant so I came back to the porch to have another conversation with Google and seeing the pictures I now know it is a squash  and not a weed. :-)  Speaking of conversations with Google, you should try it sometimes.  Always educational and sometimes just funny.  One day, I merely said to it "I love you Google" and it came back and said here is a video related to that. It was a short little video of an animated cat who yawned and made a noise.  Cute.

I have to get up and about since we are going downtown to Saturday market and Bev is having a bar-b-q tomorrow, so with company coming, a major house cleaning (though it is already spotless) is no doubt going to be under way today.  Different kind of OCD is what I suppose, lol. But until tomorrow...

Have a fantastic day, be well and all my love.

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