Thursday, May 31, 2018

I have issues but who doesn"t?

A nice video first, I hope it plays for you:

And a couple close up shots of the pretty basket:

I actually love how it turned out AND how it sounds but I may be biased.  But no, the chime is not my issue.  It's the cold today.  Maybe you think 50 is a lovely temperature but I have been so cold I have not been able to motivate myself to do anything at all.  I have been barely able to function at all.  I had plans for the day, plans involving the outdoors.  What is this high of 63 we are suppose to see today?  You honestly call that a high?  Seriously?  Okay, maybe in late January in Colorado that is a cause for celebration and shorts (like when I was young and had never lived in the tropics) but the last day of May should be warmer.

The skies to the south and east look promising, like the sun will come out of the clouds and shine its happy face on my own, but I have learned never to hold my breath about anything unpredictable,  fickle or unstable.  But it would be nice.  So today I am likely to pursue more indoor endeavors, I see the hardwood floors need mopped.  And I am all done with the fencing around the back deck and am seeing the ire in one unhappy little empress of evil, who is no doubt cursing me, for closing off her avenues of escape.  She looks pissed anyway.  She'll get over it.

I seem to have a better connection in the house this morning so that is a plus. Perhaps I will build another chime and listing it won't take as long.  Maybe I will get even luckier and call Forge Glass this afternoon and find they have put out all the new sea glass for me to come and collect as much as my heart (and pocketbook) can handle.  That would be a blessing.  Something wonderful to look forward to while it is still on sale, today is the last day.  I will just believe, for now, that the planets are lined up and I get at least that, which I really want, today.  Having very little glass and all of it very small, has put a damper on my chime making enthusiasm.  It also makes my hands hurt.  

Yesterday is kind of a blur but I did spend a great deal of time on the fencing issue, which for the moment seems resolved and tomorrow will permanently be so, since the guy is coming out to install the lattice all the way around.  If I think she is pissed now I probably haven't seen her at her worst. She has such a sweet face but I swear that when she is hanging out with Daisy that they are in cahoots about an escape plan, Molly being the mastermind behind such hijinks.  Great imagination or mostly logical?  Who can really say since we can't understand dog talk.

I did finally get the chime done, as you can see, and still had a crappy connection so I had to wait for some time to get it posted to my Etsy shop. I  posted a picture of the view looking down at the top of it to my facebook page and it got a great response, so that is something I would guess.  I'm never really sure since I just mostly share the stuff I am listing on Etsy, from the Etsy site and nobody bothers.  But put up something personal that doesn't mean squat and they are all over it.  I'd like to understand, I really would.  I'd also like to believe that they are, in fact, interested in my chimes (some are, don't get me wrong), but there is never any response to the Etsy posts except for my ever faithful daughter in law, my biggest champion.  Thank you Gennifer, for ALWAYS rooting me on, without fail.  Not that she reads this blog or will ever see it but who knows, maybe one day she will and she will appreciate the kudos.

I just took this:

I layed back on my bed, since I am sitting on it to write this, and took this, upside down, but still, this is what the sky looks like from my bedroom window today.  I was, in reality, looking for the sun, but it wasn't happening.  I may take a nap.  I was awake before 5:30 and out having my coffee, in the cold, well before 6 so I am kind of sleepy.  But the time goes too fast here and I have things to accomplish today so that isn't a very likely scenario.  Just a passing thought, like all the others that float through my head as they do.  Sometimes, though, they are quite profound and other times just hilarious.  Never a dull moment in my head :-)

It is now nearly 11 already, see what I mean?  I came and started this before 9:30 and POOF the time is gone.  Where it goes is a mystery but it is definitely gone.  And with that, until tomorrow...

Have a wonderful day, be well and all my love.

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