Friday, May 18, 2018

So yesterday

I had this weird feeling all day that I was missing something but I did finish this chime, so that gave me a sense of accomplishment of sorts.  It took me awhile to figure out what I was "missing" and, as it turns out, it was a whole day since I thought it was Friday when I got out of bed.  Could have been that 5:38 wake me up call from my friend and I will never know for sure, nor does it matter, but I just felt adrift for the better part of the day.

I did finish the chime and  later in the afternoon I went down to the post office to mail out 2 sold ones and I saw this huge mural across the street.  I took a picture of half of it waiting for the light to change so I could cross and go to the old mailing store to get a large long flat rate box.  I got the box and went out the far door to see and  take a picture of the other half.  Here, let me see if I can show you:

First half

Other half

And while I did get the shots I was after, juggling the big box in one hand and my phone in the other, as I snapped that last shot, pushing the button for the camera, that little push of the button sent the phone to the ground, face down, no doubt, and I ended up with a phone screen that looked like a weird forest of sorts.  Lookie:

Okay so I couldn't edit it and it is sideways, but if you turn your head to the right, perhaps you will see the forest I see.  Or some trippy artwork.  Not sure but in any case it still worked, although it is difficult to see what I am looking at on there and when I slide my finger across it, it is pretty rough and scratchy feeling. Great.  I went over to the phone repair place to see about a new screen and it turns out I can buy 2 new ones and have change left over for the price of them just replacing the screen.  Not happening.  He had taken it apart to get the model number from inside and when I got home, realized it no longer worked at all. WTH? So I took it apart, checked everything and put it back together and charged it, thinking maybe the battery was low or dead and later last night I turned it on.  Yep, it still works.  You can't kill a Mororola, which is why I love them.

This same phone, mind you, on day 3 after buying it, I accidentally dropped it in the pond at the last building I was in  while in Honolulu.  Dropped is incorrect, it was more like I had it on my lap and got a tissue out of my pocket to wipe my nose and it slid and bounced into the pond.  The effect is the same, it was in the bottom of the pond.  I jumped up and grabbed it out, shook it off, wiped it on my pants leg and sure enough, like the wonderful Motorola it is, it was working.  A couple of days ago I was climbing out of the truck, it slipped out of my pocket, hit the driveway and in two pieces, went sliding across the driveway, glass down.  Not a scratch on it and it still worked.  But I guess dropping it face down once is the limit since the second time yesterday it did not fare as well, although it still works.

Now my moral imperative is to see how long I can live with it this way before I, too, crack and buy a new one.  A new one was not even on my radar before this happened yesterday and I have only had it 2 months so I really don't want to buy a new one yet, if I don't absolutely have to.  Oh Lord, I am turning into my parents. "If it's not broke, don't fix it", sound familiar? I mean seriously, if I can still answer it when it rings, it is not technically broken is it?Okay, texting is a little trickier but I never liked texting anyway so I wouldn't really miss it if I couldn't.  It seems impersonal.  You could call me and say it quicker than the back and forth of texting with far less work.  I am a dinosaur.  :-)

I am pretty sure before I came out here to write this that there was a life lesson I wanted to convey, something I was thinking about earlier, and now, for the life of me, I cannot think what it was.  Give me a minute......When you are up to your butt in alligators, it is hard to remember that your objective was to drain the swamp. No, that's not it, that thought just popped into my head and I thought I would share it.  I am still pondering...... ok, I got it....

I was thinking about how my time for the past year and a half, how I had felt  like I was incarcerated and I realized that if you are miserable in your circumstances then you are not living your passion.  You can tell you are not by how you feel.  If you are anything but joyful then you are not doing what you were meant to do, your purpose.  For that time I was not entirely joyful, I was not doing what I was born to do, to write and to create, to make people happy.  Even before I went on the ship, my financial circumstances were pretty bleak, but I was joyful, doing what I am passionate about. 

I have always said, since I was a young woman, that I would rather make less money doing something I love than to make more doing something I detest.  Still true after all these decades.  Not that I have had many jobs that I really detested, like waiting tables for 20+ years, because, although I made good money at it, I was excellent at it.  I had a memory like a steel trap, before the TBI, and I was literally a circus freak at it.  Ask my son.  Well maybe not, he was young at the time but he knew I made a lot of money at it.  I could take orders from a table of 40 without writing anything down, which tended to make them nervous for some reason ad then come back, set their cocktails down and ask their names.  Go back 10 minutes later and by name and drink, ask how they were doing.  I was impressive.  It became a thing really.  That first time it was a tour bus that had broken down and the tourists had come in to wait for a new bus.  They were so impressed that they told the owner how much they enjoyed me, how impressive I was (and me too by the huge tip) and before long busloads of people were showing up.  Unbeknownst to me, the owner had contacted the company and they put his restaurant on the tour to see me "perform".  I didn't know that until I eventually gave my notice to resign (medical issues) and he was sad to see me go.  I made both of us a ton of green, which we both enjoyed.  It has been years since I have worked there but I hear that the tours still go there.  I am just good for business.

And nowadays my business is following my heart and soul's passion.  It may not currently be the financial windfall that waiting tables was but it is what I love to do and I am good at it, at least I believe so.  Here I am, day after day, and it will one day serve a purpose as well.  On that happy note, I leave you for today.

Be well and all my love.

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