Friday, May 25, 2018

Skinny arms and squirrels

My newest chime video:

I do like to start with something pretty to look at and there you have the video. The title had nothing to do with the video or any pictures I will sahre, no, it was more of a reminder to myself yesterday of things I wanted to remember to share with you.  But I liked the title so I kept it, it's interesting, draw you in material, yes?  Not that I have anything truly fascinating to impart today but still..

Yesterday was a late day on the blog and so I didn't get into the skinny arm thing because, frankly, it had slipped my mind at the time.  So I was getting ready for said interview and before I put on my blouse I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, arms down to my sides and realized I had skinny arms.  Scary skinny.  And they looked really long to me for some reason.  Long, skinny arms on a vertically challenged person just looks wrong.  Of course I laughed at myself and my thoughts but it was still there in the back of my mind for a while.  I have never been, nor am I ever likely to be, what you could come close to calling buff, but a little muscle tone would improve my perception of my skinny arms.  Oh well.  Not today.

I spent a great part of the afternoon and early evening weeding and watering the front gardens and I was doing the one on the west side of the yard (not that this means anything to you but it is for my reflection years from now when I will thank myself for that clarification) and bent over I happened to catch movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to look and not 2 feet away was a squirrel, stopped and looked at me until I said "well hellow Rocky" and he took off like a rocket.  Few of you will get the Rocky reference but those of you old enough to remember Bullwinkle will understand. It amused me and I carried on, giggling to myself because that is how I roll.  I find most of life amusing, I can't help it.  And I put together the abovechime.

When Bev got home we chatted for awhile and then went to the hot tub.  The sky was incredible.  I was looking at how pale red it was and there waas a big bright rainbow.  The color spread out more and it was so beautiful to see.  When I got out and was putting on a robe she said it was raining and being wet already I gcouldn't tell.  It was just starting in reality.  And it rained all night and is still raining off and on, the skies are cloudy and it's cooler this morning.  My to do list for the day has shrunk since most of it involved the great outdoors and I am not likely to weed or put up more fencing in the wet weather.  Nope, not me.

Not that it will help you but this picture is where I was weeding when Rocky stopped, near Barb:


So named because the tail is barbed wire. Bev thought it was cute.  Okay, I agree it is kind of clever.  One of the charming yard art sculptures (or whatever you call them) she has throughout her gardens.

Man oh man it is chilly out here this morning.  Kind of like a crawl back under the covers chilly.  Or make chicken and dumplings chilly.  Because  in Hawaii that is what I would do on days like today.  Comfort food.  Besides, who doesn't love a good dumpling?  Except Bev.  I have a really tasty crock pot recipe for it, too, so it makes it easier and you get to smell it for a spell until you are ready to eat.

I believe I have now acquired brain feeze from the cold.  I got nothing else.  The brain is not engaged, train of thought is not leaving the station, going nowhere for awhile.  Think I will go work on a new chime and ponder life's mysteries and maybe come up with something for tomorrow to discuss.  So until tomorrow..

Have a fantastic day, be well and all my love.

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