Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Side Yard Activity
On a "float" kind of day, as it were, given that that is exactly what I did for most of it, in my befuddlement in my search for one darn thing or another, I looked out the kitchen window (above the sink I was passing at the time) and I spy a stag!  Quickly forgotten was my search for...what was it?  Never mind, I am on to a new mission, LOL.  Ran upstairs, grabbed my camera and went back to the window but they were behind a tree in my view so I ran outside and stood at the edge of the driveway to take these.  I started out with a picture of part of the "side yard" and zoomed in to take photos of the stag and a female.  I can't see the both of them in these small pictures but maybe when I post and can expand them, I will find the ones of them together.  Sadly it would only let me upload 9 pictures and I took many more than that so they will have to go in another post.  But it's all good.

When I left you yesterday I went in to get my stuff together to bake my snicker doodles and could not, for the life of me remember where I put my measuring cups and spoons, since I couldn't locate any in the kitchen.  That is the point that I spied the deer and hustled out to take pictures.  Then I had gone up to my room, thinking the measuring devices were in one of the nefarious boxes I had mailed myself and they were not there. Dang it.  Went through everything in my room, which didn't help since I would not have put them in a bedroom drawer, but I wanted to leave no stone unturned and I didn't have a concrete plan for the day anyway so I went with it.  I now find myself laughing at that statement, I don't know why, but it strikes me as funny.  Where was I?

The whole day was like that --- with my train of thought continually jumping the track.  But I decided it made more sense that I would have left them in the pantry when I unloaded all my snacks.  I had already looked but I was more thorough this time and Eureka!  Found them.  Then I thought I would download the pictures from my camera to my tablet and didn't know if I had kept the cord.  I distinctly remember it being in my car "box" and when I took it out, decided I was never going to use it (it had been, still in the plastic wrapper, in my truck for years) and tossed it out and the rubbish got picked up yesterday. 

But, trooper that I am, I decide to search anyway because I don't remember it being IN the trash from my room when I took it out to the big can.  I do remember the little gray (makeup type) bag that it was in with my little binoculars and so I hunted for that little bag.  And hunted.  And hunted.  What the heck did I do with it? Having gone through my room again, I FINALLY find it but it is empty.  Well poop. It does so happen that I have anther 35MM camera so I look in that bag and I have one!  Thank you baby Jesus.

Now I just want a cookie. 🤣😀  So I set about baking, now that I have my shit together and after the first dozen I was over baking and put the rest of the dough in the fridge for later.  Yeah, that'll work. I went outside with the intent of going to the porch, where I left my tablet, to download my pictures now that I had my cord to do so.  But man, it was gray and dark out and my back bones creamed "RAIN".  So, floating and flowing, as I was, I went in and got the keys and rolled up the windows in the trucks.  Sure, it could have just been dark clouds going to roll through but I am magical and took the time and risk that it needed done.  I figured if it didn't rain and my back was being overly dramatic, I could always roll them back down later when the sun came back out to play.  But if my back was right I didn't want to have to run out in the rain to do it. Smaht (you know, Boston? smart).

But my back was NOT lying.  I got over to the porch, hooked my devices up to do my thing and it started raining, the temperature must have dropped 10* because I got cold, and so the vehicle interiors were spared.  I texted Bev about the rain and my rolling up the windows after seeing the clouds and said "I'm just that good".  Hey, call out your strengths while you are working on your weaknesses, I say.

And?  I don't have to water my garden today.  Not that this is an issue for me as I had already checked it this morning and decided it looked nice and moist so I wouldn't water anyway.  Perhaps the Universe decided to correct me, I do not know.  I DO know that if I had not been searching for my misplaced items I never would have been in front of that window at the right time to see the deer. Lucky?  Or just plain blessed?  I say blessed but I could be wrong, it's happened before.  But not today.  Plus, when I stepped out on the deck and looked down at my garden again while playing with the dogs (3 Bichon's) I discover a small wasps nest in the eve of the roof.  Better to get rid of it while it is small I think, so good that I was just flowing and floating.  A wonderful day for a lottery ticket.

The rain ceased and eventually the sun came back out so I rolled the windows back  down and took off for Albertsons.  I had called the day before because Google said they carried Stokes green chili sauce with pork (something all Colorado people and a few in Hawaii thanks to me :-) know about) and since I would travel a little to get some, and was told they had it, I ventured out.  They lied, leaving me disappointed but I was there and they sell lottery tickets so I got one.  It was still kind of a wasted trip since I could have gotten the ticket within a mile of the house and I ended up with no Stokes, was a tad disgruntled for the lie.

And I didn't have a single number on my ticket.  But that's okay, the Universe has it lined up for me and will hit me with it when I least expect it.  Like the deer.  It's all good.  Plus I got an email from my car insurance that I was getting a refund since it is so much cheaper to insure on the mainland, so there's that.  It isn't insignificant either, so I have $160.00 more than I thought I had going into my account now. Which is good because the truck I currently have until mine gets here is a gas guzzler.  So color me happy.

Have I mentioned how well I sleep in my new bed?  I wake up early (not unusual) but feel so well rested and I don't toss and turn.  It's amazing the things we can take for granted, normally I don't and I am not starting now.  I really missed having a bed while sleeping on a couch and now I go to bed thanking baby Jesus for it.  And I heard the turkeys this morning again, it sounded funny to me.  Not funny strange but funny hahaha, not sure why but it did.  And again I was grateful.  As always, generally speaking.  Even when I was going through serious misery the past 6 1/2 months, I was grateful for a roof over my head and then remembered that I was grateful for everything even when I was homeless before I got on the ship.  It's my nature and attitude (of gratitude) that has kept me afloat all these many decades.  It's all a blessing really.

And on that happy note, I will leave you for now and see what mischief I can get into today.

Be well and all my love.

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