Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Not much to tell today

The newest chime video:

Truth be told (and that is what I do) there is not a lot to tell today.  Yes, I am still enjoying the nature and wildlife out here (I saw a raccoon, big fat one, on Sunday night and watched a Blue Jay get something from his stash in the rafters of the "game room" yesterday morning) but it isn't like I accomplished much yesterday.  Yes, I made a chime, which did my spirit good and I weeded and did some weed whacking but that really was the extent of my day.

I cut up my $2.22 watermelon and I still cannot pick them well, not all ripe and sweet but definitely juicy.  I figure the chunks I cut them into will make good smoothies though, so there is that.  It was more a putter and relax day and it was mildly refreshing to have some watermelon but disappointing that I really have never been able to choose the best ones.  Such is life.

I did take a picture or 8 of some birds but only one bird that I shot came out decent and I have yet to figure out how to get it off my drive to put it here since that is not a choice it gives me from this blog.  Google and I converse daily, maybe I should recommend it for the blogs.  It would just be nice to grab pictures from anywhere on your device and not just from a camera, web cam or your phone as options.  I now know how to get the pictures off my camera onto my tablet but getting them from the files on my tablet is another matter altogether.

I had gone up to my room about 8 last night to put some things away and get on my jammies, turned the tv on and before I could even get my jammies on I was asleep on top of the bed.  I stirred around 1:30 when the tv went off (into its sleep mode), sat up, turned the power off and went right back to dream land.  Of course, I did wake up early and was out with my coffee before 6 but if I go to work for this company I will be doing my solder test for, the job starts at 5 am so getting a head start on getting up earlier is not a bad thing.

As they say "be careful what you wish for" so I am wishing to win the lottery so I don't have to get up in the dark just yet unless I really want to.  I use to be to work by 5 in Honolulu and it was never an issue but my body clock is still adjusting here.  And I am sure it will again.  It helps when you look forward to going to work to do something you really enjoy doing.

I got distracted for awhile, heard a dog yip, went to investigate (this is never a good sound) and the empress of evil, as Bev calls her, had escaped again and took Daisy with her.  So I went and got my licence and drove around looking for them when doing so on foot was fruitless.  I was just getting back when the neighbor was bringing them through the side yard saying they got out and I told her thanks, I was out looking for them.  Then I had to reinforce the fence that they tore down last night and Bev had fixed but they pulled it down again so now it isn't going anywhere.  When I fix something it stays fixed.  Not that she won't look for another spot that will drop her further down when she jumps but I'm pretty sure I will hear the injury that occurs should she do that so I know where to add more fence to.

Then I could not get an internet connection.  I am grateful we get one at all but it is spotty as all get out and makes it frustrating when trying to get anything done on my tablet.  And already it is now after 11 am.  This morning really flew by me but I was hunting for more fencing in the garage (found some) and getting my wire and tools out of my room before deciding to just wire the original fencing to immobility.

Now I think I will go get my stuff together and build a pretty new chime to relax myself.  So until tomorrow...

Have a great day, be well and all my love

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