Thursday, May 17, 2018

I am so easily amused...

And if you don't believe me, I did another one...

There is a story here...

So it was that I decided to take it upon myself to better aim the sprinklers yesterday morning because they tend to water as much of the walkways as they do the garden spaces they are intended for.  And yes I got wet but that is not the story here.  I waited patiently for this particular sprinkler to end before adjusting the head of it.  I bend down to do the deed and the ground is moving down there.  I mean, literal movement, that first little worm or whatever it is waving at me like that.  So of course I had to grab my camera and document it.  Then when I finished the first video I saw more of them and began again.  I am, if nothing else, A: very observant and B: cheap to entertain person.  And thinking on that thought (about being cheap to entertain) I laughed at myself all day.  Every time I did something that would agitate the normal person who gets flustered by their own self created foibles, I just laughed and laughed.  I crack me up.  I am really funny, LOL

I was working on finishing this chime (which has since sold!):

and every now and then I would forget to put a swivel on a piece before wrapping it down tight.  I'd have to undo it to add said swivel and just laugh at myself for being mentally elsewhere.  Or in one case I used a swivel that didn't have the little hook part on it.  I had looked at unwrapping it but then decided to just cut it off and add one to the next piece to hook onto the one now missing a swivel.  This changed the direction of the hook but at least I was putting one on there so I laughed at myself again.  I am a very "whatever" type person, knowing that what is, just is and accepting it as such and moving on.

It was chilly and rainy (off and on) all day and I ended up, by 5pm, wearing 2 pairs of socks and 3 pair of knit slippers like so many grandmothers use to make.  My feet were freezing.  And it was still in the low 60's, Lord help me when winter arrives.  But that is months away and hopefully I will be better adapted to these temps by ten.  Or I will just take a long vacation to somewhere warm.  Yeah, that'll work :-)  I was going somewhere with this paragraph and it turned into something else. On to the next...

I finished the above chime and spent some time getting it listed on my etsy shop (you are really missing something not being there, as frustrating as posting can be there, it has huge benefits, especially for the shoppers who don't post items)  and chatted with my brother for awhile.  Then when I went to put on the second pair of socks I looked at my phone (the old one without a sim card and saw I had a message so I replied to it and called my friend who had messaged me.  Talked and laughed for an hour before I called another friend I always laugh with (you seeing the theme here today? ;-) ) but just left a message when it went to voicemail.  So I called one of my sistahs, again with the voice mail but I was giggling like a school girl the whole time.  Not long after that I went inside for something or other and stopped to talk to my brother again and when I came back out my sistah had called me back.  I talked to her for at least 45 minutes then, still on the phone, went in to use the bathroom and she talked to my brother for awhile and he handed it (the phone) back to me when he was done and we talked some more, me back out on the porch.

Color me happy, what a day.  And it was not over yet.  When I got off the call with her, I turned on my tablet and another chime sale!  Had to go share that joyful news with my brother and he was, as always, happy for me.  I mosied back out to collect my things from the porch to go in for the night, it was after 9:30 already and checked in really quick to take a peek at facebook and my other sistah had posted a video of a winechair.  You'll just have to Google it, there is no quick way to explain the visual. but then it was nearly 10 before I actually got inside to go to bed.

Sound sleep and my phone rings, I go to grab it and it stops so I go back to sleep.  A couple hours later (5;38 am to be precise) and it rings again.  I roll over to grab it, realize it is light outside, answer it and it was the friend who I had left the voicemail for.  I got up, came outside to chat and have my coffee, like I normally do, and while talking with her I watch a coyote stroll across the far front lawn, looked at me, kept going, no hurry, it was AWESOME.  Like 2 species connecting for a few seconds, just simply amazing.  What a great way to start a day!  And it is supposed to be 79 today, 15 degrees warmer than yesterday.  I can live with that.  My happy place.

Plus last night I knew I won the powerball jackpot, until I looked up the draws numbers and hadn't but it could have happened, the way my day was going.  Plus, I am a firm believer that ANYTHING is possible and someone has to win the jackpots of these games, so why not me?  I mean, the chances are good, the only one with no chance of winning is the person who does not play.  So I would say my chances are even :-)

Even cold, I had a great day.  Well, I know it is still early but this has been a tad long already, I do go off on my diatribes, but I have stuff to do so I can tell you about it tomorrow, LOL.

Be well and all my love.

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