Sunday, May 20, 2018

What a great day, this is going to be a long read

Let's start with murals and shop signs (because they amused me)

I didn't stop to ask, mmmk?

This one made me think of Gennifer, my DIL, I don't know why, it just did.

That is not truly how I started the day, mind you, it was just the order of pictures and there are many bears so I began with this, for the organization of the pictures, which were taken in a totally different order, just whatever I happened to be walking by.  And these are totally random, but the sight made me laugh:

I was waiting to cross the street and thought this truck was parked, it looked like the dog was driving, just looking straight ahead.  When I got to the other side of the truck, there were actually 2 Pittys sitting there, one behind the wheel and one in the passenger seat,  The "driver" dog kinda reminded me of the dog from Spanky and the  gangs Little Rascals.  I told you I am easily entertained.

Plus lots of bears, I'll save my favorite for last as I took many pictures of it, the body of the big bear had sayings or quotes written all over the jacket (on the body of him) and I took shots of those (many but not all) too.

So let us begin:

I know I posted one of a panda before but I wasn't sure it was this one with his tongue hanging out.  All of these were smaller bears.  I was just walking around, block after block, looking for the antique show, which is tomorrow anyway, so I just decided to enjoy my time in the sun and capture the flavor of this wonderful town.

The larger bears, there are a few blue ones throughout town and when you get up close, they are very unique and quite lovely.

This is a closeup of his body:

Who was the lady with all the fruit hats? Carmen Santiago?  Carmen Miranda? 

I will try to get a better closer shot of this one soon.

And now, being an artist I suppose it is no wonder I loved this one the most.  I must have spent a good 30 minutes on this one alone:

Overall view

It is hard to see but the painting is a replica of the small posing bear, I studied it for quite a while, the details, I was in awe.

A closeup of his face and on his painters jacket you can see the writing, those are coming up, not all, but a few.

Pretty awesome, yeah?  I walked all the way around him and read all the quotes, and then again to see every angle and view of him, the painting and the posing cub.  I found it to be my favorite so far, although I really like the little guy in the bathtub with his rubber ducky, too.

While meandering about town, I stopped in at a vintage store and walked around, so much to take in, a great shop really and ended up chatting with the owner for awhile as well.  Actually, before that, I had found the mission thrift store where I picked up a vintage metal lamp shade (can you see windchimes?  I did) and had come out of there to cross the street when I saw the dog driving.  Yeah, I know he isn't really driving but work with me here people.

Then I went to Staples, in search of magnets, found none, a few doors down to Joanna's fabrics, found them, over to the other end of the shopping center to Goodwill to see about my application (I could so work there!  It''s a really nice, big, bright and clean store) before heading over to home depot for more wire.  After that I headed home since it was late afternoon by then and I was famished.  Grabbed a quick bite and then built this little beauty:

Ok, so I didn't do the poop patrol or plant the potatoes but I was happy with the end result and the potatoes and poop are still there waiting for me.  I had accomplished a lot and that in itself felt beyond satisfying.  Then I started downloading all the pictures on here so it would take me less time this morning and by then I was sitting in the dark, catching a chill since it was 10:30 PM, past my bed time.  But I was so absorbed it took me that long to notice it was dark or that I was chilly.  So off to bed.

And now for something completely different, mostly because of a dream I had last night (or it could have been early this morning, I can never tell when exactly I had dreams, only that I had them, unless they wake me up laughing, out loud) and I wondered, upon waking if I had ever mentioned or discussed ghosts, or spirits, if you will.  Mostly because my thought upon waking was that memories are like ghosts, no longer happening but they remain with us.  Like spirits of those who have passed.

Secondly because as a child I could see, hear and talk to them but in the 50's and sixties and beyond you were never to talk about it or you would end up in a rubber room.  To say it was frowned upon is an understatement.  Now with James Prague and Theresa Caputo making it real for people, not so much.  Many times mine were people coming to say goodbye or to tell me of things to come, many premonitions, which in my late teens I turned off because there was no one to talk to about any of it.  It was a great burden to carry for a young adult.  In retrospect I wish I had not shut it down, though I can still sense spirits and what they wish to convey to me.

We had some on the ship even.  Along with deaths and fires but the people who died while I was working aboard were not the spirits who visited me.  There was one in the Officers Laundrette who liked to open the dryer doors and when I finally said ok, you can have it open, it would then go to the main entry door (these doors are heavy and it took all my body weight against them for me to open them, they are fire proof) and turn the knob on it.  It only took a day or two before I was walking in there to clean and upon entering I would announce "ok my little spirit friend are you ready to play?".  Because I meant it no harm, nor it me, and I would talk to it while I worked.  I did get strange looks (at first) when people walked in and it appeared as if I was talking to myself but it didn't take long for them to realize I think out loud all the time anyway and then I would converse with them.  My laundry ghost was not the only one in residence but it was the one I encountered most.

The dream that brought this about, from last night, was my buddy Danial, who I have been missing terribly, and I turned and there he was, happy tears in his eyes and I grabbed and hugged him for a bit, saying how I really needed that, to see and hug him.  Who's to say that his spirit did not visit mine last night?  I have always believed that when we rest our spirit, our essence, goes out to play, doesn't just stay there in our body and do nothing while we rest.  I have experienced it before, when I woke up but felt something missing in me, when my spirit wasn't quite back in my body.  Call me a fruitcake if you want, but I know what I know and have  learned it from living this many decades.  Otherwise how do you explain dreams?  You wake up with a memory of them and yet you know you were sleeping and it never happened (in this lifetime or dimension) but it is as real to you as your memories of your past.

Well, I think that will be it for today's post, I have kept you here reading long enough but like the sun rising and setting I will be back tomorrow with the next one, you can count on it.

Be well and all my love.

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