Thursday, May 10, 2018

Things that make me smile.

I love this town.  Granted, all the pictures did not load but I guess you only get so many pixels or something that limits what you can put on a page.  But getting back to what makes me smile, or some things and why I love this town.  Including my now beloved Forge Glass, where I get all the blown "sea glass" to make my chimes with. There are, on numerous buildings, these beautiful murals and totally unrelated to them, but also allover town, are the bears on the sidewalks.  I have not yet asked about the bear thing or its significance here, but they make me smile just the same.  Like a bit of whimsy as it were.

Yesterday I was out and about (and yes, I stopped for more glass) and I think on Saturday I will just park and walk around so it is easier to take pictures.  I was taking these while waiting at stoplights.  There is always something to do down there, in town and it is the perfectly quaint, historical looking, walk around kind of town.  And I understand that the parades are long, about 2 hours, so that should be fun, too.

Of course, there is plenty to see and do right at home up here as well and taking (or trying to take) pictures of the Eagles and finches (they are so pretty, bright yellow) and my chime making keep me occupied and the time just flies.  They mornings go by a little slower when I first come out before 6:30 for coffee and start writing but then before I know it, it is 10 or 12 and I get up and go do stuff.  Like watch my garden grow, play with the dogs and cat ( will have to get a picture of him, he's enormous) and go out and about, too.

It's like a reminder, daily, not to take anything for granted, no matter how ordinary or mundane.  I have always started and ended my days with "thank you for this day" on my lips, even when I was not ecstatic in my living/working situation.  Any day above ground is one to be thankful for.  And then there is the question of when you die and meet God and he asks you "so how was heaven?" (of course I ponder this) and I will be able to say it wasn't all fun and giggles but I learned a lot on the journey through it and I was grateful for it.  An attitude of gratitude will take you through anything, even the worst times, or I likely wouldn't be here writing this today, but 6 feet under.  Not that my plan is for burial, it's a figure of speech.  It's the little things people.

My plan for today is to make a couple of chimes, already in my head, or maybe 3 even if I have to run for more glass, I am in the zone.  I normally post them on Facebook because I am excited to share them but I will post some of them here one of these days, too.  I was in Facebook prison yesterday and it would not post anything I tried to share for the better part of the day.  Which is why I prefer to do my blog, it doesn't  mess with me or say I cannot write what is on my mind and when I hit share it does not have to think about it, it just does it.  Freedom.  I am not bashing Facebook, it serves a purpose but it is discriminatory and being vertically challenged I have dealt with enough discrimination, thank you very much.

I realize nothing I say here is earth shattering news but neither is it judgmental or political.  There is no arguing or division or drama.  Which is why I share here.  It matters not to me if I get 1 like or a thousand, it is not about that.  My worth is not dependant on how much attention is paid to my posts.  Sure, it's nice when people want to hear what you have to offer and like or comment on it, but it is not the end all, be all for what I post.  As I have stated before, it is more a journal for me, my story, my thoughts, something to one day leave as a legacy for my grandchildren and beyond.  A glimpse into their beloved Nana.  ( a wave and shout out to Sis!! who follows me here, I love you more than you will ever know or comprehend)

Now I need to go work on some chimes, they call me...can you hear it, too?  :-D

Be well and all my love.

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