Tuesday, May 8, 2018

I can honestly say...

That I have not had a shower in over a week now.  No, I have not given up on personal hygiene, I have a bath tub.  For over the past 6 and a half months I slept on a couch and shared the bathroom of the elderly lady I was caring for so I never had time for a bath.  And now with my own room and bath, with tub, I have been able to soak in my bath bombed frou frou scented baths.  I have been enjoying that luxury to the fullest.  Also, as I am always honest, when I speak you can count on it being true, but I stated it that way because I was thinking it that way.

The pictures are of my garden beds, which I put my little crops into yesterday.  After I had gone out to apply for a job and before I filled the hummingbird feeder, swept and mopped the hardwood floors, vacuumed the carpeted ones, swept the front porch and then wrapped more glass for another chime until I ran out of wire.  It was a good day. I even made dinner and washed the dishes before I sat down and finished the book I started before I came here last week.  I started another just before bed last night, too.  I had started reading a bunch of books by John Lescroart and I really like him now.  Funny I had never read his works before but with so many authors and so little time I just never really discovered him until last week. They had a good sized library in the building I was in and I went through over a hundred of the books before I saw nothing else that interested me there and went over to the Book Off (a little book, DVD, CD store inside one of the local grocery stores there) and getting books there for only 1.00 a piece, a good thing on my budget and propensity for reading.

I  may, now that I think of it, ride the bike down the hill to the nearest quick market and get a lottery ticket today because it is, after all, a mega millions draw night.  I missed gambling all those years in Hawaii, it being illegal and all.  This is not to say I never had a ticket for it, no, I did many times because the dear young lady who was suppose to be my daughter in law and gave me 2 beautiful granddaughters before my son up and went back to Colorado (that's another story as well as a bone of contention in the family, but it's his story to tell, not mine) and never made it back to Simi Valley to marry her.  She has always been so wonderful if I would call or text and ask if she would pick some tickets up for me if I sent her the money.  So I did and she got them and seldom did we win anything but occasionally we would and it would roll back into more tickets.  I know she didn't mind but now I don't have to bother her.  She is a busy, working mom with 2 beautiful girls to take care of after all.  Come to think of it all his exes love me, ask them, they'll tell you :-D  My son one time said his women loved me more than him so he stopped wanting them to meet me.  He, being the king of bullshitters, never quite got, I don't think, that it was because with me there is no BS, just truth.  Go figure.

It's early here and I just heard the wild turkeys.  I love sitting out here in the mornings.  Apparently there is a whole slew of them out in the little valley that abuts our "side yard" for those of you who have seen the pictures.  For those who have not I will post it soon.

Hmmm, what else can I tell you?  I have been out here, in the cold (it's relative but it is only 52* and I tend to chill at 70*) for over an hour now working on this and my little mind went blank.  I guess I will sit here, finish my now cold coffee, perhaps get a warm one and see where my thoughts go from there.

Never made it in for my hot coffee when I remembered I wanted to dedicate today's post to my "little man Terry", wherever he may be and unbeknownst to him his encouragement has meant the world to me.  Terry.  I met him on the ship and he worked in environmental, where we took all the ships rubbish to separate for disposal and he had (and likely still has wherever he is) the most beautiful eyes that I could not help staring into.  He was young, early 20's I think, and he was always so kind to me (most of them in environmental were but he always stood and talked to me while I was sorting) and I mentioned that I missed writing.  He told me to go buy a notebook and start again.  The problem was there was so little time, given our shifts, that I never had time to sit and jot a coherent thought on paper.  But every day he would ask whether I bught it yet and after I did, the daily question became "have you been writing in it yet?".  Ocassionaly I did but not often.  And so now that I am back to writing every day, I want to thank him for always reminding me to follow my passion. I love you my little Terry man.

It is now after 8 am and I think that is it for now.  Going in for some hot coffee but if I think of something later, I'll probably tell you all about it tomorrow so...

Be well and all my love.

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