Monday, May 28, 2018

Waxing philosophically with mild cursing involved and a lesson, too!

I took this yesterday morning:

Hopefully it will play for you here.  The sprinklers on and I sat mesmerized by the droplets that sparkled like diamonds.  Stare at the lawn, you'll see it, it is hypnotic.  Okay, maybe just for me but I am an Aquarius who is easily amused and entertained  and I was mesmerized by it for the longest time.  It was not an eventful day.  I had one of those days that I just couldn't seem to get my shit together and wake up.  I was sleepy all day and finally succumbed to a nap at 2PM, something I have not done in years.  At least a couple of years anyway.

I managed to help clean the kitchen after Bev's bar-b-q yesterday, which I did not attend since I was napping and trying to wake up and that never quite happened, and then some more weeding so I could feel like I accomplished SOMETHING for the day.  I think it was chime building withdrawal since it had been a couple of weeks since I had a day when I didn't create one.  I was feeling adrift.  And it being Memorial day weekend, I was remembering those who have gone on and missing them more than normal.

Then I woke up this morning and although I felt more myself, I was thinking about what held that connection to them for me.  So I checked my email, totally unrelated, mind you, just my train of thought jumping the track again, as it does, and my horoscope for the day said to follow my heart and stay out of my head.  Always sage advice for someone like me, who, when I try getting all analytical, I tend to go crazy and take people with me.  I have a brilliant little brain, for sure, but it leans to creativity and not analytics.  It is not pretty when I get analytical so I learned years ago not to mentally travel there.

That said, the heart is where love and passion lives, where I reside, because the heart is never wrong.  Just be sure it is the heart you are following and not the libido where people are concerned and everything will always turn out well.  When Abraham says we launch rockets of desire, he is not talking about the region of the physical body that lies a foot and a half below the heart.  It is a hearts desire, not the punani, as we say in Hawaii, that leads you where you are meant to go and to be.  And so I went on facebook this morning and wrote on my timeline "Love is the bridge that always and forever connects us" and that is just plain truth.

I do tend to love people wholeheartedly and have said since I was very young (oh man, I was born wise beyond my years if I do say so myself) that once I knew you I would forever love you and if I was your friend it was for life.  Whether you chose to have me as a friend was never in question since it didn't matter because I would always be there for you.  Have I had major disagreements with some of them?  Absolutely, but it never changed my love for them one iota.  

We all tend to love some people who are toxic to us and the best you can do is love them from afar and not have them in your inner circle. My son can tell you that much. There was a time when I told him to never contact me in any way, shape or form again and as harsh as that sounds it was tough love.  I could not tolerate his behavior or disrespect to me since that is totally unhealthy to tolerate.  It was over a year or longer before he did make contact and since he had become more self aware we have stayed in contact and I went to his wedding (not his first) and got to spend some time with him.  We are fine now but I had to distance myself at the time for my own well being.  I am one of the most zen people you could hope to meet and that is because I do not allow stress or toxicity into my domain.

You can't hang out with toxic people and not become somewhat toxic yourself.  That energy will get into you whether you desire it to or not.  Once you know who and what you are (it is LOVE folks) you stay there by self care and if that involves distancing yourself from negative people with their negative energies then so be it.  Like the saying goes you can't fly with the eagles if you are hanging with the turkeys or some such thing.  Same applies to the types of people you associate with.

That was part of my thing yesterday.  I am not antisocial but I will not bring a bad energy to a party of sorts so I did what I needed to do and took care of me and didn't worry about what they thought.  I don't care what others think of me, only what I think of me really matters.  It would never in reality happen, but they could think I am the lowest form of scum on earth (I'm not) and I would recognize my sovereignty and their thoughts would not affect me in any way whatsoever.  And it is so with every person out there, you are more than you think you are, worth more than you believe you are and more important than you may realize you are.  You are here because you are supposed to be here, now and you light up someones life.  TRUE.

It is suppose to be 83 today so I think I will go build a chime and be productive so until tomorrow...

Have a blessed day, be well and all my love.

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