Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Busy day but great.

New chime alert:

I am very pleased with this one and I can honestly say that it took most of the day to finish.  Not that it took longer than any other chime but the way it got finished.  I took off this morning to check in on my app at Goodwill, as has become my custom, and over to wally world to get more swivels and pick  up my meds. Got the swivels but the pharmacy attempt was futile.  Then I had to go to DMV for my brother and when I walked in and around to see the cashier or customer service person or whatever they call themselves at DMV and she hollers out "Number 111" and so I start looking for the number giver thing and she directed me in the right direction.  I pull the number and walk back around to her and say "that"s me!, Awesome number by the way".  She agreed and I explained why I was there, but since I didn't have the renewal paper she gave me a paper for him to fill out, sign and mail.  Headed home and I was hungry so I ate lunch, first time in 3 weeks.  I get so absorbed in things it doesn't occur to me to have another meal during the day until dinner when I am starving.

Then I started the chime.  But first I took my new drill bit out to the garage (where the drill is) to predrill my holes and that done I thought I would look for the tin snips as I said I would put up the rabbit fence around the big back deck where the dogs are.  Molly keeps trying (and sometimes successfully) to escape when she hears loud noises.  Rich bought the fencing before he left but I didn't know where the cutters were.  I really should have taken before and after photos.  After looks like this:

Why, yes, I am OCD, lol.  Before, it was one big clusterf*ck and you had to dig through everything on the work bench to find anything.  I started at one end and worked my way to the other, organizing and putting all the like things together, there were a short ton of nails and screws and bolts and such and now they are all together and the little boxes with trays are together and nice and neat.  SO I finally make it to the other end and finally discover the cutters and tin snips before rearranging the whole works to my liking (this cracks me up, I think now, with everything in plain sight, they won't find a thing they are looking for) before heading back to the house.  then, having arrived back at the house, I realize I don't have the tin snips and it was the whole reason I went out there an hour before.  Back to the garage, laughing at myself the whole time.

I went in the house to get the roll of fencing, which had been on the sofa yesterday and now i cannot find that.  I gave up and went back to work on my chime.  I got about halfway through it when the pool man showed up to open the pool for the summer.  So, curious because the cover had a ton of water sitting in it and wondering how they would deal with that, I followed them back to watch.  Basically he took a hose, submerged it until it filled and threw it over the side and it was draining.  Much like I use to drain my big fish tanks.  Chatted with him until the wasps stared buzzing me and went back to the chime.  I finally finished about 5 pm and decided to start dinner before attempting the fencing.  Bev had swung in for a few minutes and told me where she had put it.  

I went in and started my asparagus to steam and went out to do my task.  Can I just say it was very warm out?  The sun was shining and felt wonderful at first until I started working on it and then the sweat poured.  I completed half of it around 5:30  and went in to eat.  Walking into the house that asparagus smelled amazing.. I got it plated and could not find any Mayo in the fridge.  Every salad dressing known to man, unopened jars of Alfredo sauce and even ketchup but no mayo?  Who lives without mayo in their house?  How is that even possible?  For me it is unthinkable.  So I did the next best thing and sprinkled Feta cheese on it, took a taste and was pleasantly surprised at how tasty it was.  I knew I had the Feta on it but I went to the pantry anyway since I cannot seem to conceive of a house without mayo.  And what do I find? 2 big jars on the shelf.  Go figure.  By then I already had a big glob of cottage cheese on my plate so I thought that would be enough.  But good to know about the mayo.

After I ate, I took pictures with my phone and 35MM cameras of my new chimes and tried to go live on facebook.  3 times and it kept saying to rotate my screen (this was on my tablet) and when I did, my face was upside down so I deleted them and never posted them.  Tried one more time, ignoring the rotate screen message and though I had to hold my tablet all the way out at arms length to my right, looking at the stars t to center my face, I went live for a few minutes.  That, too was pointless since I couldn't get a good view of the chimes, which was the whole pointless anyway.  But it was fun and made me laugh and I got to talk to the people who watched live an I loved that.

Then I set out to do the other half of the fence.  Didn't take long and I was back on the porch.  Bev was there on a phone call and when she finished I asked if she would show me what I could pull from the front gardens because I wasn't sure what she planted and what was weeds but she is always out there weeding and she showed me so I said I would work on that today for her.  A new project.

I sat on the porch, chatting with Bev until around10:15 when she said she was heading to the hot tub and asked if I wanted to join her but since I could feel it was bedtime I declined and headed up.  Laying there in the dark, looking at the stars out the window at the head of my bed, listening to the cow that for all appearances is telling me goodnight, I was at one with the world, truly and deeply again, smile on my face and joy in my heart.

Got up early this morning because my left hand was throbbing and keeping me from going back to sleep,I got my coffee and went out t the porch as I do and Bev surfaced early.  She said she had gotten a call from the company I had first applied to and had wanted so badly and they wanted to set up an interview but they were asking for Carolyn.  I said that was my legal name even though no one really knew or remembered that.  She thought it was a wrong number and wondered how they got her number.  I had used it as an alternate number since I am not always near my phone.  I know it's a mobile phone but that does NOT mean it stays with me all of the time, I'm a fossil like that, not tethered to a darn phone for Pete's sake.  SO I will call them this morning and see what is up.

She went in to get ready for work and I sat here listening to the wild turkeys gobble, the cows mooing for breakfast (I'm guessing) and then a couple of train whistles, the birds singing and was and am totally at peace.  It is 58 degrees and sunny and is looking like another beautiful day here.  I sold a chime this morning so I need to get that ready for shipping (Thank you Dee!)  and besides the weeding and possible interview today, I believe I will just get all the boxes ready for shipment and skip the chime building for today since my hand is still cramping.  But fear not, my little friends, there will be more, many more, maybe just not today.  I am thinking of running a sale through the end of the week though and may go set that in motion.

I took these the other day, forgot to post them:

Well, it is almost 8 AM so I should get up and around I suppose and get this up for my friend Dee :-)

Have a great day, be well and all my love.

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