Thursday, May 24, 2018

Posting late today, had somewhere to be.

First, how does my garden grow?

Well, my right hand bed is doing super good, my tomato and cucumbers, on the other bed, not as well, but I baby it anyway.  I started here because it is the last picture I took a few minutes ago.  But let me back it up a notch. Yesterday, it's sort of a blur, but I will do my best to fill you in  now.  The day started early, as usual, and I traipsed down to the porch to have my coffee and turned on the tablet to see I sold a chime.  That is wonderful! So, in my head anyway, I am planning a trip to the post office after getting said chime properly packaged and Bev came out for her coffee and said I should call the company back that had called her for my interview. I said I would when they opened at 8, which I did and had an interview set up for 9 this morning.  Since it wasn't pressing time for me to get out and about, I did my blog entry and while doing so I sold another chime.  YAY!!! Go me.

Now I am thinking I need to package another to go out and that is a good thing but I should just go ahead and package all of them and get it done so I can just zip to the post office if I need to.  So around 10, when I was finished lolly gagging about, I went up to do just that.  It took me a while but I got 9 of the 11 done before I realized it was after noon. Time to get dressed and get a move on. I stopped at the post office first, got them both mailed, then off to wally world to pick up my prescription. Popped in to Goodwill to sign in on my app (it never hurts to keep your options open when you are looking for work) and decided to stop at Forge Glass and see what was happening there.

They didn't have any new glass and Steve said that the guy who does the tumbling will be back next Tuesday.  Bummer, another week at least without more glass.  So he took me back and showed me what would be tumbled and I nearly choked, I was so excited I couldn't catch my breath and started coughing.  Embarrassing, yes, but he was kind and gave me some water (always looking out for me that man) and said it might be ready before the end of the week (there is a sale this month, which helps with the pricing for me) and left elated at the thought.  I will snag it all, I swear! LOL.

Came home and had either a late lunch or early dinner, since it was after 4 already, and after eating I started weeding the front gardens.  Boy was it toasty out there.  Plus, I had a death grip on the weeds I had pulled in my left hand while I pulled with my right and by the time I finished the first bed, my left hand felt like I had been making chimes all day without ceasing.  It was cramping bad.  SO I sat and relaxed the rest of the evening.  Of course, for some reason, I thought it was Thursday and went in to watch Grey's Anatomy and what do I see but survivor?  WTH?  Oh, dorkus, it is Wednesday.  Laughing at myself, yet again, I went back out to the porch until I was ready to go to sleep. I let the dogs in and played with them and then the cat, before heading up to bed.

Woke up at 6 and had my coffee but then I had to get ready for the interview so I had no time to blog this morning.  But it went very well although it sounded like a lot of hours, not a problem really, however it will affect my blogging at first.  Not that I won't still blog every day, only be posting in the evenings since they start at 5 am and work until 5 PM many days.  They are short of solderers so that just means a nicer bankroll for awhile.  No worries.  I will get a call on Tuesday to go in for a solder test, which I am amazing at, so hopefully by the middle of next week I could be earning a real income.  Icing on the cake.

I stopped when I left there, just across the street to take these:

The close up of the spider web in the upper right corner of the display:

A closeup of the bear and rat and food, cute!

The name of the bear, isn't that adorable?

Then when I got home I started pulling weeds for a few minutes before going to check on my garden, which I showed you and while I was there, the"kids" watched:

In order, left to right, are Tony, Molly and Daisy with Tony talking to me, he loves me.  Actually, of the 3, he is my favorite.  And I don't particularly care for small dogs.

Oh, because I had the chance to get these again, without a cracked screen (this is the one I was trying to get when I dropped and cracked it) on my way to the interview:

I just love these murals. I always enjoy spotting a new one I have yet to see as well as the bears.  It is a beautiful, sunny day and I should start weeding some more, so until tomorrow...

Have a great day, be well and all my love.

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