Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Oh for the love of Pete

The only pictures I took yesterday:

It looked like sky waves

I believed it to be an eagle but my friend Stan says it looks more like a turkey vulture, I don't know but I got it and that was something.  When I left you yesterday it was my full intention to go build a pretty chime but that is NOT how it went down at all.  I had repaired the fence and let the dogs back out and as I sat down to get ready to build, out they came running again.  Dangit.  Not to be outdone my an evil little Bichon, I went back to reinforcing every place I thought she was escaping from.  I was wrong, of course, because at the first sound of a gunshot, here they were again.  OH FOR THE LOVE OF PETE!!!

So I went back and began my search for weak spots yet again, put up another section of fencing where I thought there was even the remotest possibility of escape, and satisfied I had out maneuvered the evil one, put them back out.  By then it was 3:30 and my hands, all cut and scraped, hurt, as well as my arms.  Plus I had used all my spare bits of wire, my parachute chord and part of the wire I was going to use on the chime.  But there were no more escapes for the remainder of the day.  When it came down to building it, I ran short of wire, getting only half of it completed.  Here is what I did get done thus far:

Once I was finished doing what I could on the chime (isn't it pretty?  :-) )  I decided to get the grill going to bar-b-q the chicken Bev had marinated for me for Sundays shindig.  I got it started, no problem, and went to fetch the meat from the fridge and put it on.  It was nearly 5 so I was ready for dinner.  I put it on, ran down to water my garden and watered Bev's flower beds and wine barrels, too and I could smell it.  Yummy.  But it was anything but yummy, the sight of what I discovered, was more like char-b-q but the damage was done so I flipped them over and turned the flames down (they didn't look that high but apparently they were very hot)  and let it go another 10 minutes while I got my plate ready with salad and potato salad and put what remained of them into smaller bowls.  I have to admit, even the charred part was pretty tasty and what wasn't charred was indeed very yummy.  

I hung out until almost 8 trying to figure out how to upload a video to a facebook group and finally gave up and went in to watch NCIS.  It was getting colder again anyway so it was a good reason to watch something I have missed for a couple seasons.  Bev got home about 5 minutes before it ended and asked if I was in bed.  I said no, just watching tv for another 5 minutes.  So, after it was over I met her down on the porch and visited for another hour before heading to bed.

I came out this morning, waking up around 5:30 and was sitting here with my coffee and I heard a yappy dog.  NOOOOOO.  I went to jump up to investigate and thinking it was way to early for Bev to be up and let them out, I calmed myself and checked email and played some solitaire until she came out at 6:40 with her coffee.  I asked if the dogs were out early and she said no, they were still in and she wasn't letting them out until she left for work so there was no possibility of escape and chase until she left.  I said "nice, then it is my issue" and part of me was disappointed that she thought my fence job wouldn't hold the evil one.  She knows her dog though and sure enough the first gunshot (I do not know what the neighbor is shooting at and it confounds me this early in the day) went off and I went zipping around the house to catch Molly, the evil empress, coming down the stairs.  I brought her around to the front and took her in (the deck gates are bound shut so she can't get them open) and then let the other 2 in, proud of Daisy for not following suit this time.

When I went back down to the back (Bev had asked me to check the lattice work below the deck to see what needs replaced since she is going to have lattice installed on the deck because she says "I ain't playin no more" and is bound and determined to solve the disappearing dog dilemma.  So I checked all the lattice work and my garden while I was there and bent down to pluck a weed and, like an addiction, I weeded half of the back yard before coming back to the porch.

Okay I left it hanging there in the last paragraph for the biggest chunk of the day because I couldn't keep a connection so I took off to get more wire and swivels.  Since the dogs were still in and would remain so until I fixed the fencing, I have been working on that and now it is after 2:30.  Holy smokes the time flies here, what is up with that?  And now, the fence firmly secured everywhere, I am going to finish my chime.  So until tomorrow...

Have a fantastic rest of your day, be well and all my love.

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