Thursday, June 14, 2018

A much better day.

It helped that I was not nearly as sick as I had been feeling all week and I enjoyed what I worked on today.  Mostly.  I had to tin 1,000 wires which took longer than I thought it would but it was not too bad.  I was certainly ready to be done after 950 but I trudged on and finished them all, they needed them and I am a team player.  And people pretty much left me alone so that was a plus.  I am spoiled, I admit it.  You can take the girl out of Hawaii but you cannot take Hawaii out of the girl.  I had forgotten what it was like to work on the mainland in companies with a lot of people who like to talk about everything and everyone that is not all that important. 

Weird thing about these mainlanders, too, they are quick to assume the worst.  Strange thing this morning, my foot fell asleep and I was trying to make it to the bathroom so I was dragging it and some guy said to me "I didn't see that", like I had done something wrong.  I thought about it while I was in the bathroom and when I passed him on my way back I said my foot was asleep and I was not making fun of anyone.  And I added that it was irritating because now I knew it would be awake all night without me.  He was amused and I said that if people listened to the way they talked to other people I wonder if they would want to be friends with them(selves).  He said he had never thought of it that way and I left him pondering that and what he says to people.  Mission accomplished I guess, message received.

Here are some nice pictures for you today:

Another thing that made me feel better (out of left field, I know) today was that I took the time to write last night.  It always makes me feel better and more centered and grounded.  It is like breathing, I need to do it. I really wish I could jot down my ideas when they hit me at work but then I would hear about it I am sure.  By the time I get home, all the best ones are in the fog somewhere.  Life is full of mysteries and where my  thoughts disappear to is one of them for me.

Okay, page 3:

I can remember back as far as being maybe 3 or 4 years old and we did move a few times before I was six.  I do remember living in a motel kind of place, today you would call them "studio apts" but it was a place called Heddy's and there was a restaurant in front of it that faced Eisenhower street near what was formerly called Lincoln Ave back in the day, before it became US 287.  I remember the man that lived next door and how my mom would always make us be quiet when he got home, like pretending we were not home.  Apparently she was not all that fond of him.  But she told me that he was there for my 2nd birthday and she had fried a chicken that turned out to be a roasting hen and it was so tough we couldn't eat it.  So he took us out to dinner.

I know that the kitchen window of Heddys faced back to our room and it was made of blue depression era type glass.  I also recall a rock flying through it and although I cannot say for certain how that happened, I got in big trouble over it.  It would be the pattern (and bane of my existence) of my childhood to get in trouble for everything bad that happened.

Our next move took us to E. 7th street in a fairly big house with a huge yard.  My uncle Ray used to come over and entertain us, he being my mom's youngest sibling and perhaps 10 years older than us kids.  We had 3 puppy's, Bimbo, Blackie and Whitey and I am pretty certain that Bimbo was Ray's puppy.  We always called Ray uncle Breck, given their last name was Breckenridge and it suited him.

I believe my brother Jim was sick in bed one day and mom sent me out to get the mail.  Jim's puppy, Blackie, followed me and I don't know why it went in the street but I do know that a car came by and hit him.  Lord I felt horrible about it and rather than be thankful I was safe and not the one hit, my mom beat me near senseless for that offense.  I was maybe 4 or 5, what did she want from me anyway?  It was as if I had killed my brothers puppy on purpose and not the accident it truly was.  That was the last time I was ever allowed to "own" an animal of my own as long as I lived with mom.  I don't know what became of Whitey and I don't remember him growing up with me but he would not be the last animal that would go away when I wasn't home.

One day my brother Jim and I were running around the back yard and a rake that was leaning against the house fell and hit him in the forehead.  I am not talking about a lightweight leaf rake, I mean the heavy kind with wide steel tines.  Yeah, I took a whooping for that, too.  I still don't know why it was my fault, I didn't hit him with it.  But if he had blood, I was to blame and had to take the licking.

End of page 3

Well kids, that is it for me tonight, I am ready to shower and get my jammies on and see if I can wait for Bev so until tomorrow...

Be blessed, be well and all my love.

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