Saturday, June 16, 2018


Sometimes it is a strange experience being inside my head and the thoughts that go through it. Sometimes you just have to cock your head like your dog does when they are wondering what in the heck is going on in your head when you talk to them.  Sometimes I just go off on rants that Dennis Miller would be proud of in my head.  And then I cock it to the side like a dog.  In a way it really saddens me that Americans are dumbing down and don't even have to think for themselves.  Because there are apps for that apparently.

me cocking my head and not because of the sun

What started the rant in my head earlier rat work was being from Hawaii and everyone you say it to says the exact same thing "oh, you got out just in time!' and it just irks me that people can be that ignorant about the 50th state.  The fact that they don't even think about it as being islands, as in multiple, in fact there are over 130 islands in the chain stretching 1,500 miles away, just baffles me.  Just because the most active volcano in the world is busy doing its volcano thing does not mean that any other island is in danger or being threatened.  It's bad enough that people don't think but that they don't even care to do any research about the culture, and it has its own culture as well as customs and yet millions of them flock there because it is beautiful and WARM, without any consideration of where they are really visiting.  Let alone do they see the way the local people live because they are so busy doing tours and could probably care less about the people whose lives they affect while they are there.  Forget learning any of the language, they can't be bothered with that either.  That was the other thing.  I have a water bottle that I brought from Hawaii and refill it all the time (which is probably not healthy with the plastic degradation but there you go) and it is the brand Aloha Wai, which in Hawaiian wai means water, the source of life.  We are only allowed to have clear bottles at our stations or if colored they have to be marked water and must contain water.  Plus, it does say Hawaiian water on it as well.  And it being a pretty pale aqua color I did not write water on it in big letters and it was questioned.  HELLO!  Can you even read?  Yes, I am fond of my islands and I do think of them as mine having lived, worked and played there for 16 years. And I was ready to trade my kingdom (as if I have one) for a musubi or malasada because I was starving.

Take a breath Chrissy ;-)  Okay then, I guess I was schooling you on the islands so that you, too, do not appear ignorant when you speak of Hawaii, in case you were unaware.  And no offense was intended if you already knew, but if you did, you already feel my frustration, don't you?  Granted these people work 60 hours a week and probably watch tv afterward so I should consider the sources but it hasn't just been at work. So I break it down to people who say such silly things.  Even before I moved here to Grants Pass I was doing the research to learn all about it because I want to know, really KNOW about the places I go to.  Don't get me wrong, I really like the people, I just wish it mattered to them what they say when they talk about places.
Heck they could even use the most useful app there is--GOOGLE--to investigate the world they live in, leaving politics aside, of course.

I am not angry, just sad about it all.  Not very uplifting so far, yeah?  Well, if it makes you stop ad thing then I have done some good.  And I am all about doing good.  For example, going to lunch, someone had put money in the snack machine and her little bag was just hanging their and she asked another lady to help her jiggle it (the machine) so the snack would fall but the machine wouldn't tip over on her (yeah, that's not gonna happen, honey, but bless your heart) and I walked over, looked and gave it a bump with my butt and her snack fell and everyone was impressed.  See?  Something so simple (for an engineer brain) was so complex for mortal souls, LOL.  Yeah, I'm that good ad said it then, too.  They agreed.

On to to other things now:

This is Mickey taking up at least half (cross ways) of a 6 X 12 rug

The only hydrangea bush that is flowering now

They look like cones until they bloom

Full when they bloom

I went and loved on the dogs, watered the garden and feel better now.  Maybe not better but less concerned with the worlds intelligence at the moment :-)  I really need to make a chime or something fun.  Besides the day to day that my life has become, work, come home, eat, love the animals, tend the gardens, shower and sleep again.  I may start one tonight and not wait until tomorrow.  it's like a meditation time for me.  And it creates something beautiful, too.  I am really blessed, I know I am really blessed and through the craziness that has been my life, I have always been so.  Perhaps that is why people have always told me one of 3 things:

1) You always come up smelling like a rose (no sure that is the best smell, but okay)
2) you always come up with a feather in your cap (well, yeah, I look for the feathers) and the third thing has nothing o do with the previous two, or so it would seem, but in fact it has everything to do with the aforementioned statements and that is
3) You have the most beautiful eyes.  And if they are indeed the window to the soul then that is the highest compliment of all and proof that my soul has earned me the privilege of the other 2 facts.  If that makes sense.  It does to me, but then I am easily amused and entertained and prone to laughing out loud at myself.

And now page 5

The neighbor guy from Heddy's?  He stayed in our lives and when I was 6 we moved to California after my mom married him, or so I thought, he was always Dad. It was only recently that I was told that they didn't get married until I was out of high school and having my first child.  We always called him dad and for me, he was the only one I had ever known existed,  He had a dog named Buster.  I loved that dog like I loved him.  We lived in a small apartment complex in Redwood City on Buckeye St. for the first couple of years.  The apartments were upstairs, and below them was the parking spaces in a carport kind of set up.  I have strange memories of living there.  There were no girls me age and the only other girl there was maybe 2 but I did enjoy playing with her in her home.  Her name was Robin and her mother and father were Linda and Cory.  My parents would remain friends with them for a number of years.

But the kids my age were all boys and so I was a bit of a tom boy.  I had the tiniest girl crush on Billy Alldredge, the boy who lived across the street.  I didn't have a bike like the boys and so I would chase them around.  Billy had a Stingray bike with a banana seat and one day I grabbed onto the bar on the back of it and wound up in the gravel of our driveway.  I remember dad taking me into the bathroom to clean up my knee and pick the dirt and gravel out telling me "Doc shits will take good care of this". That is what he called himself when I had injuries that he had to fix.  I think back to that now and smile with such affection.

There was a clothesline in the carport and one day I was out there with the boys and I don't have a clue where it came from but there was a little rabbit.  They thought it would be funny to hang it by its tail from that line.  I stood there, screaming in horror at this scared, kicking little rabbit for them to stop it.  They laughed hysterically.  I am not sure if it was the rabbit or my reaction, but they thought it was so funny.  My heart was hurt.  How can you laugh at the pain of another living thing?

But then I witnessed my mom laugh the same way one day and it made me cry.  It was raining out and the stairs were wooden so they were slippery when they were wet.  Dad was leaving for work on morning and slipped and landed at the bottom.  Mom stood at the top laughing like it was the funniest thing she had ever seen.  Even at that tender young age I knew it was wrong to laugh at the misfortune of another living thing.  I just didn't get what was so funny.  He could have been hurt!  Okay, he wasn't, but she didn't know that when he went down.  And yet I found Laurel and Hardy , the Marx brothers and Oliver and Hardy hilarious on tv.  Somehow I knew they were not really hurting each other.  Perceptive little soul.

Well kids, that is it for me for tonight, it is almost 5:30 already.  I need to get up and move around for awhile so until tomorrow...

Stay blessed, be well and all my love.

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