Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Interesting day

So when I got in this morning they said I would get to solder today and I was happy, then they said the previous parts I had been prepping, the leads would have to be bent before I soldered onto them.  Well, okay then.  I did well with my first one but that was before they said I had to bend the leads.  And I had the hardest time getting the angle to solder correctly.  So I was not going fast and it did not help that the person who gave me the stuff to solder kept telling me I was trying too hard to make them perfect.  Not really, I was just trying to make the wires lie flat or else have them comeback to rework them.

Then after the rest of the folks went to the earlier lunch ( solderers have a later lunch) the power went out.  Just as I though I was getting the hang of it and BOOM my rhythm is thrown.  So we went outside to wait for the power to come back on and listened to reports that southern Oregon was out and patches up to Portland.  But about 45 minutes later the power came back and I returned to my task.  Before I knew it, it was time for 11:30 break and once again my rhythm went out the window.  Coming back in from break the fire alarm went off (likely some residual glitch from the power outage) and back outside again.  It was nice out so I was kind of enjoying being out.

Ten minutes later we were back to work and I swear every part I picked up, 2 of the 3 wires would go on like magic and then I would think I have this now, when the universe would say don't get cocky and mess me up.  I do not know why I just couldn't get the hang of it and I only finished 1 kit of 50 for the day although it took me less time for the second half of them than the first half.. I left work totally drained but the time went fast and I am hoping  for a  smoother day tomorrow.  Coming back after the fire drill, my overseer for the day, I guess, mentioned my timing again and was worried if I didn't speed up they would let me go.  I asked if they told her to ride my  butt all day because it was not doing anything to help but making me anxious. She left me alone after that.

And once I was free to focus I hummed alng until the last one, which gave me fits.  Damn solder peaks.  I don't think we are building life saving devices (but I do not know) and if we were then I would think they would want them done right.  Not just fast.  I totally understand why people leave and don't return.  It is a difficult environment with the pressure.  I have barely been there 2 weeks and they have only let me solder maybe one full day in that time so I need a little practice on these parts.

Not sure if I posted this mural before but I got a great shot of it on the way home today.  And since it is going on 6 and I am toast, I will end here for now, so until tomorrow..

Stay blessed, be well and all my love.

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