Friday, June 8, 2018

It's been a couple days..

And yes, I am still tending my beautiful little garden:

Well that is half of it anyway.  But it is the only pictures I have taken since I started work on Wednesday.  That little plant to the left of my trailing (upward) cucumbers is my squash :-D  The straw is covering my potatoes to make them easier to dig out later.  Layer of dirt, layer of straw, easy peasy.

Yesterday started off slow and my trainer kept being called away, leaving me to read the standards and then returning to read them to me.  As if I hadn't read or understood them.  I know it was more for the benefit of the young man who started with me but when he didn't come back after lunch , she gave me stuff to practice on.  I finally found my groove and today was more practice work on different components and wires and she said they would pass final inspection so I am doing as well as I remember thinking I did before.

I ended up only working 8 hours a day yesterday and today because while you are training they don't want you to stay over or work the weekend so I am off for the next 2 days.  It finally warmed up today and when I came out of work at 1:30 it was sunny and warm but the wind was blowing hard.  By the time I pulled into the driveway the rain had started.  Just a quick small shower and then it stopped but it is suppose to rain heavy tonight (good for the gardens) and only get up to 60 tomorrow, bad for me...too cold!  But Sunday it will get up near 70 and by Tuesday it will be high 80's and 90's for the rest of the week.

I am enjoying the new job and everyone is asking me if I am going to hang in there and stay.  I say if they will have me and everyone says oh they will.  I am a solderer after all.  And I do excellent work, not as fast as I once did but with practice I will be zipping along.  I have had a few frustrations, being too short and not being able to find a tall enough chair (they gave me a cushion to lift me up) and my soldering iron doesn't seem to work right (doesn't always heat while I am working) but I have had a good starting week overall and am happy there thus far.  The breaks are short, they just go too fast but once I am working they have to tell me it is break time since the work time goes fast for me, too.

I am out on the porch and the rain has returned.  It isn't freezing cold yet but by 7 pm I am guessing it will be too chilly out here for me.  Smells good though.  I can already feel the temp dropping every time the wind blows, I may not make it until 7 out here.

I may make some chimes this weekend, not sure with Bev returning tonight what is on the agenda for the weekend.  I got nothing else for now, so until tomorrow..

Have a fantastic weekend, be well and all my love.

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