Sunday, June 17, 2018

Kept busy today

Since it is my only day off I had to do all the things I don't have time or energy for the rest of the week so I didn't really get any writing done except for jotting down alot of the things I have been through in my life.  And this is what I have so far:

On the one hand

Physical abuse
Emotional abuse
Mental abuse
Cancer twice before I was 30
One live birth
Several miscarriages
Radical hysterectomy in my 20's
Head on collision where I lost my teeth and any previous memory except for my son, also in my 20's
Auto accidents every 10 years, all the years ending in 6, none my fault
A first husband who tried to kill me and set my dog on fire
The loss of my second husband and the light of my life
Emergency surgeries for tonsils and adenoids (I was young so not sure it was urgent), appendix, gall bladder, hysterectomy and scars to prove it
The deaths of my grandparents, aunts and uncles, parents and close friends, too numerous to count
Broken most of the vertebrae in my lumbar and thoracic spine, shattered every bone in my left wrist and dislocated my right elbow

On the other hand

Having the love of my life for the time that I did
One dear son
An adored adopted daughter
8 grandchildren
3 great grandchildren
16 years in Hawaii
Have lived in Colorado, California, Washing state, Hawaii and now Oregon
Been to many of the states including Alaska
Siblings I would be lost without, natural, step and adopted
Interesting and varied job history, good at all of them
I can see, hear, taste, smell and touch with no effort

And while I see how long the list of the less perfect parts of my life is in comparison to the blessings side, I am truly blessed to have come through it all as positive as I am.  I look at it all as blessings because it could have been far far worse than it has been and I know that.  It shows how strong the human spirit is I think.

Today was spent doing laundry and on the second load the dryer wouldn't turn on so I hung it all out on the deck railings where it dried pretty quick with the breeze.  I watered everything, inside of the house and out, cooked up my meals for the week then started the dishwasher.  When my laundry was dry, I put my clean sheets back on the bed and put everything else away.  Put a few gallons of gas from the 5 gallon gas can into the truck, via a 2 gallon gas can and a couple of trips back and forth from the big garage to the truck.  Played numerous times with all the critters and put out fresh food and water for them, cleaned the litter box and still need to do the poop patrol for the dogs stuff.  Oh, and I made this chime:

Blues and purples with one big green one in the center

Molly, on the right, kept licking the glass

They were wanting me to let them in or come out but I was with the cat

I have yet to get it listed but the internet is going in and out with the breeze and it isn't like I am in a hurry to fight with the Etsy app to get it up there.  Pretty though.  I felt like I was busy all day and I even slept in until 4:42 before I got up.  I did wake up at 3:12 and said nah, I need more sleep before turning over and doing just that.  I have been listening to Fathers Day jokes (not all about fathers, just mostly men telling them) on Pandora all day and laughing so hard I darn near choked on my coffee earlier.

It is already almost 5:30 and a couple hours until bed time and I am bushed. I meant to tell you yesterday and forgot, not that it was or is important, just amusing.  I was doing my work and I kept washing the magnifying lens on my light and still was having a hard time until it dawned on me that maybe my glasses were dirty (they were) and I just started laughing at myself so hard that the lead asked what was so funny and I told her.  She kind of giggled and said at least I laugh at myself and I said all the time.

That's it for me for today and I'll get back to page 6 tomorrow, stretch it out a little since I didn't write another 8 pages, or any today, so until then....

Stay blessed, be well and all my love.

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