Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Well now, where do I begin?

Okay, I'll start  with bedtime last night.  Do you have an inkling of what it is like to have to go to bed when the sun is shining AND it is 91 degrees  out?  But I did. Before I did, though, I cranked the ceiling fan on high and that little breeze helped put me out quickly.  It was 68 when I got up at 3:30 nad I only wore 3 swaetshirt hoodies this morning.  It was kind of noce not freezing. 

And before I left, which came too soon, I went and let the dogs out, like I do every morning when I am home alone.  This morning was different in that the minute they got outside 2 of them went after each other like rabid animals with the intent of taking the other down.  I thought it was Daisy and Tony,so I am yelling at both of them,nothing.  I am not abut to stick my hands into this nastiness so I used my foot to try to shove Daisy's rear to get her attention but it just her go more berserk.  They all seem to be afraid of the water hose but since the part that has the water supply is blocked for painting, I ran in the bathroom and grabbed a glass of water, it was the best I could do.  Having thrown it on them, the fight broke up and both were bloodied and I had no time to deal with it.  I go back in the door and the third, who I think is Molly, is in the kennel and won't come out.  Okay then.

Not much I could do about any of it but text the painter and tell him to let Molly out and leave all of them out since so much time in the kennel is making them nuts.  I do not know why, when it is blocked off, he puts them in when he gets here and never leaves them out when he leaves.  I called him at my 1:30 break and asked if they were out and he said yes and I made it clear that he was not to put them in when he arrives, to let them be out were they at least have 50 feet to run and romp and play.  I worried about Tony all day because, although Daisy's ear was all bloody, his was in the under the arm area and was limping.  They both had looked a mess.

The day at work was much better and more fun and I got more done today by being left alone to figure out my own system for speed.  I was humming along fine when yesterdays came back to rework.  I was surprised that they hadn't rejected most of them since everyone says I don't use enough solder, but only 13 had issues to resolve and most of them were from my fingernails leaving little holes in the insulation.  So I took them all off, stripped the wires back and put them back on beautifully.  Done with that, I was right back to my build and was almost done with the first group of 50 when They brought me back 2 of them they thought I had missed.  I said I wasn't sure what exactly I was looking for so I had reflowed the ones that said to reflow them.  Armed with the knowledge of what they wanted, I did that and went back to my build and finished it.

The day went really fast and I was thinking the last couple hours where I wanted to go after work.  I wanted to hit the dollar store for the little note pads and then on the other hand I wanted to swing over to Goodwill to see if this cute little pair of white Gloria Vanderbilt capris were still there.  I did both.  The cute little capris were gone but there was a similar pair of Dockers so I got them for half price and less than 3 bucks.  It is getting warmer and I want to be able to wear something besides my black skinny jeans (they are all black that I have) so that was a nice score.

I got home about 4:45 and as hungry as I was, I went straight out to check on the mutts.  Yes, I am now calling them mutts because of their behavior this morning.  I have never seen anything like it.  Little fur balls fighting like pits in a ring (which I have never witnessed but can imagine) and it honestly creeped me out for the day.  SO I go out and all is calm and it is Molly who is limping.  Part of me is relieved because he is the smallest and Daisy the largest and that is not a fair fight but since Molly was on her back and it was dark, I got it wrong.  She has some good puncture wounds and Dais's ear, though fairly clean now flops backward and I am not touching it to see if there is an issue.  She shook her head and her ears flopped around so I think she was fairly unscathed. Molly was the worse for wear.

In any case, they were happy to see me and calmed really quickly to the loving, normally not so fast, except Daisy, who is chill.  Then I went and scarfed some dinner.  I washed the new Dockers and while writing this I have run back to love on the critters a little more, watered the front flowers and made a phone call. And it is almost 6:30 already.  The 10 hour days are long and leave very little personal time, almost like being back on the ship but better wages without the medical (yet) so I am not complaining.  And at the moment it is down to 87 degrees.  It was 93 earlier.  I still have to tend to my garden and the planters in the back so I will leave you with the other half of the mural I shared yesterday, got it on the way home, so until tomorrow, stay blessed, be well and all my love.

kind of trippy when it is expanded to full version.

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