Friday, June 29, 2018

Wrote this yesterday...

I got home late today since I stopped at the grocery store so I will just post what I could not, for the life of me, post yesterday.  I really did try but with no internet my Keep would not sinc from my netbook to my phone.  So I thought I would mail it to myself, again, no connection so the email never left the netbook.  But since it is already going on 6 and I am quite tired, this will have to do until tomorrow....

Since I have been without a wifi connection all week I have not been able to blog, which has driven me a little nuts.  I still don't have a connection but fortunately Google Keep, the app I cannot live without, will have to do for now.  When Bev gets home tonight she said she would reset the box and hopefully she will not forget.  It may not be high on her list of priorities and so I will make do with what I have for now.  Since I have it on my phone also I can upload it to my page at least from there.  I have been too tired and drained to think of it until now.  I really dislike that feeling.  Out of alignment.

So Monday was a blur and the only thing I can recall is being stuck in the lead room in the morning (or maybe that was Tuessday, I'm not sure) listeneng to people smack talk other people who were not in the room.  It's draining, it really is, all that toxicity, at least for me so the following morning I asked if they talk smack about the people not in the room, what must they say about me.  Not that I give a rats patooty what anyone thinks of me, it's none of my business really, but the point was missed, being that if I wondered then maybe other people did too and they should stop it.  But what I heard instead was "well we have been here a long time" and they lost me right there because my brain went to "I don't care how long you have been here, does it give you the right to be an ugly person?" but I kept that to myself.

I do remember that I overslept on Tuesday morning so I didn't have my coffee time before heading out and I was not really awake when I started, not that I am EVER truly awake at that ungodly hour, for all intents and purposes, and so my mind went to a dark place and my mood along with it for a couple hours on all the stupid rules the place has.  Like no touching.  Not that I want to touch people, I just have a tendency to touch their arm when I talk to many people, to connect, it's a bad habit, but it is my habit and I never really gave it much thought.  No cussing, which in a place of business, is just proper , but outside, on our time (what little they give us), it should not be such a big deal if someone uses a curse word.  I have been known to use them myself, generally the tamer version, like crap or poop instead of shit, but I want to know what kind of mamby pamby pansies are offended by any word?  They are only words and cannot in themselves harm anyone in any way, unless of course someone is using them to put a curse on you, which is not what we are talking about here.

This sent me mentally off on the  right and left and which is which between the liberals and the conservatives and I don't know or really care except for my civil rights and liberties and how they should not be taking them away to be "politically correct" so as not to offend anyone.  Well, THAT offends me.  I am suppose to have, among many, the 2nd Amendment, right to free speech.  Not that I have any strong desire to take up cussing like a sailor, but should I let something slip, I don't want to be reprimanded for my slight.  You do things you would not normally do when you are tired or feeling oppressed and it is oppressive and toxic there and the hours are soul sucking.  So many times during the day, I will stop for a second, take a big drink of water and breathe deeply in and out a couple times just to recenter myself.  They still don't get why people just leave.  Duh!

But I didn't come in to rant,  or maybe I did without thinking of it that way, I just needed to "unload" and that is what I do on my blog to get stuff out of my system and I appreciate those of you who follow along and love me anyway.  It is Thursday and if I had the weekend off that might mean something but working Saturdays it just means I have 2 more days to get through before I have one off again.  I am looking forward to next Wednesday, the 4th, as far as I know we have it off and the break will be nice.  I have missed blogging, but to be entirely honest, I have been so busy and tired this week I haven't really had time, though I did try and gave up because I had other things to get done, but once I can get back to it,the days start better for me.  Iactually have been taking pictures this week, other than my garden, which I am still so proud of.   All that time and water will go in my belly when the stuff starts producing.  I am excited about that, can you tell?  LOL.

I will share a couple pictures here that I have taken the last couple mornings when I am leaving or at work, the full moon has been stupendous and I have enjoyed seeing it, even if it is at dark thirty in the morning.  It is still light out when I go to bed so I don't get to see it at night.  Even if I get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, my eyes are never really open (previous housemates have said it was kind of creepy) but I don't need to, I know where my bathroom is. Besides, if I did open them and see the moon I would want to take pictures and then not get back to sleep and that wouldn't be good for anybody.  Well, it is nearing bedtime for me and I need to water my garden so I will see you tomorrow, hopefully, and until then stay blessed, be well and all my love.

This morning at work ^

Yesterday morning at work ^

Wenesday morning as I was leaving the driveway ^

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