Monday, June 18, 2018

Thoughtful and good Monday

So much going on in my thoughts today and I am going to buy a little note pad that I can jot things down in and hope they don't ave an issue with it at work.  It isn't like they really watch me or anything but they do talk about me so my name is known.  I guess that is something.  Part of what I hung up on for the morning is how paradoxical life is.  I firmly believe that we create our own reality with our thoughts and this is true, and yet, we have no control over the fate of it.  Because our thoughts are the only thing we can control so we can think things into being, but at the same time, since nothing else is in our control, aren't we just reacting to other peoples' reality?  Because they create, too, whether they know it or not, and that creates circumstances in our environment that we must deal with.  So the best we can do is to put out positive thoughts, or energy, same thing, and plan for the best. 

Someone once said plan for the best, prepare for the worst, life's a play and we're unrehearsed.  True enough.  Not that there was anything bad going on today, just kind of monotonousness that I have been doing the same thing for days and need a bit more stimulation, like soldering.  Even if it is the same parts many times over, I never tire of soldering.  Should happen soon.  At the end of the day I was washing my hands and this lady said she had heard amazing things about me being a great solderer and I said I am an amazing solderer and if they don't let me do some soon I will look for a different job.  She said, no, no, don't go anywhere, I will be pushing for you to move on to soldering and getting you certified because we need your skills here.  She said her inspectors rave about me so that made me happy.

I did get to solder for a minute this morning when this young man came asking for the sleeves to the fans and nobody knew but me where the parts were.  So I was getting him some and he asked for a wire since the one in his hand was damaged and so I gave him one and asked if he was repairing it.  He said no, he doesn't solder, so I took the old sleeve off, saw it was my soldering and told him it was.  He asked how I could tell so I showed him under the scope and said no one else does them like me.  So I took the wires apart and put the new one on for him and he went his merry way.  It was a happy soldering minute before going back to the prepping of the little parts I am prepping.

The weather is nice today and it didn't hurt that when I was coming in from the 11:30 break the fire alarm was sounding and I was told to leave the building so I got a few more minutes of sun time.  By the end of the day I was down to 3 layers and that is the first time that has happened at work.  When I got to the truck I took off one more layer because I knew it would be toasty at home.  It was.

A lot of the ladies there are older ladies and want to retire and one said without it killing her.  I said everyone needs a purpose, a reason to get out of bed in the morning and so many don't when they retire they die before their time.  I have always said, too, that it is good to have a goal and the reason is it gives you a purpose, something to move towards or to obtain.

Another part of my thoughts were making a shopping list for Wednesday when I get paid.  I have to replace the stuff I use here, only fair, and I need to replace the stuff I have eaten and then buy some of my own favorite things.  I even said, out loud, as this list was going though my head, ICE CREAM.  No one can here me anyway so nobody even glanced my way.  And I was thinking about my list from Sundays blog about all the stuff I have been through and mentally adding pneumonia, encephalitis, anorexia, mononucleosis, chicken pox as an adult (that was miserable!) and on the plus side I have taken 3 cruises with people I care about, cruised as a job for almost 8 months, ziplined, river rafted, para sailed and lived, loved and laughed with abandon.  The last was brought on by this tin flower that hangs by the little door to enter the big garage:

I just love the dark purple ones

And these variegated ones, too.

Since they are painting the deck where the dogs normally are, the first thing I did when I got home was to see where they were.  They were in the house in the kennel so I let them out, watered and played with them a  few minutes and then attacked some dinner.  I was starving.  Now I am too full but a good full, better than empty.  Now it is almost 5:30 and I am sleepy already.  Woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep so I was up before 3 and now the sun is making me want to climb in bed and sleep for a week.  It won't happen, ever, but if I went to bed now I would have no problem getting to sleep.  Plus, these 10 hour days and 58 hour weeks are starting to kick my okole and I am only on the second week.  Lord have mercy!  So until tomorrow..

Stay blessed, be well and all my love

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