Saturday, June 2, 2018

It's a reverse order day.

Normally I blog first thing in the morning after I have a cup of coffee and then I do what I need to get done before I make chimes.  I am totally out of sinc on the order. I was up at 6 and had coffee with Bev for a couple hours before we took off early for a couple of estate sales.  However, many pictures today and the first one is when I stumbled down to the kitchen this morning to make my coffee:

Looking at my phone screen trying to get all of them in one shot and it wasn't working out very well so I gave up after 2 pictures and headed out to the porch where Bev was already waiting for me to surface (I am always out there first but oddly today I slept in and she got up early).  As soon as I closed the door behind me I realized my face was naked.  Yes, my face.  No glasses, which explains my difficulty with taking pictures first thing.  I ran back in to get them and then joined her.  After a short while I went to check on my garden and found it doing very well:

I had told her yesterday that I had seen a sign for one (estate sale) all over the area and so she got on google or whatever she uses and found that friends of hers were doing one in Rogue River.  Since she had to work today she wanted to leave early and so we did.  I scored a nice drill press for 10 bucks and I was thrilled.  I love power tools and though I miss mine in Hawaii, I never had a drill press before so it was a happy score.  I got this bear picture on the way back:

I have already skipped to today with nary a mention of yesterday, my bad.  I went and did my interview and solder test, still as good as ever at hook solders but lap solders are not my expertise so they were okay I guess.  There was one woman missing yet who needed to interview me (it is that way for this type of position doing DOD work, many interviews with many people) and was told they will call me back Monday when she returns and I will know then if I get the job.

Then I came home and started working on this chime:

^ looking at it from the top

And later in the afternoon I went to the post office for my boxes and stopped by to check on the glass.  It was still in the tumbler and he said maybe Monday as it wasn't quite done but he showed me and I said it was fine for my purposes and they let me wash it off and take a bunch. Very pretty glass indeed and I was beside myself I was so thrilled. I spent part of the evening polishing and separating it by colors and went to bed very happy.

After Bev dropped me off today I had a bite to eat and then did this chime with some of the new glass:

Then I finished the one above that I started yesterday.  That about sums up yesterday and most of today so I hope to have something to share tomorrow.  Oh, wait a minute, while I was up taking pictures of the purple chime this pretty little moth landed on the porch and hung out:

I have never seen one like it before but now I have a picture of one :-)  So until the next blog time..

Have a great evening, be well and all my love.

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