Sunday, June 24, 2018

I don't know what it means

Or if it means anything at all.  You know how they say that before you die that your life flashes before your eyes?  Well, that isn't what happened BUT what did was visions of Hawaii.  Places I had been or driven past hundreds of times.  Random, just different locations there flashing before my eyes.  Maybe I am just missing it but on the average day here I try not to give it a lot of thought because it is in the past and I like to leave the past where it belongs---in the past.  Unless it is debt, in which case I do what I can to work toward erasing it.

Yesterday went neither fast or slow, it just went along nicely, mostly because we can listen to our music on earbuds on Saturdays.  Music always helps.  Everything, at least for me.  After work I went grocery shopping and I will say it again I LOVE WINCO FOODS.  Emphasis because I really do!  I bought 19 items, fish, meat, dairy, fruits and veggies, and baking supplies, along with my coffee (which was the most expensive thing in my cart at 6.58) and I still only spent 51 dollars.  You can't beat that with a stick, LOL.  At first I was calculating in my head and once I hit the bulk food isle that went out the window.  The last thing I picked up was a carton of 18 eggs and it was only 1.24 for large eggs, amazing even me.

Then I stopped in to pick up some sea glass before heading home.  It was still after 4 when I got here and put my groceries away, played with the dogs and had some dinner before starting a load of laundry.  By 6 I was watering the outdoor plants in front that looked kind of wilty and while I had the hose on I washed my new sea glass, all blue, and then went to water the back after putting my wash into the dryer.  I was not doing too bad as far as energy went by 7 so I played with and brushed the cat, who really loves the new brush I bought him and will even rub his face on it when I leave it on the floor for him.  Of course I have to look for it every night but it is always full of his hair so I know he enjoys it.

I played with the dogs a little more before heading up to my room, forgetting my clean laundry and bottle of water (I tend to wake up thirsty during the night) so I went back down for them.  I was in bed by 8:30 and out soon after that.  Hey, I stayed up late.  For me.  I had started a list of things to get done today around the house and I planned to sleep in until at least 4:30 this morning.  We plan and the universe laughs.  Such was the case.

I sat upright in bed like I was late for something at 3:51 this morning.  Tried to go back to sleep but that never seems to work when I want to sleep, so I got up and was outside with my coffee by 4:15 and it was not freezing.  I sat and drank my coffee and played solitaire for awhile and by 6:00 I was inside getting my stuff measured to make cinimin rolls and realized I forgot to pull the butter out of the fridge to soften.  Oh well, I pulled it out, went and let the dogs out, watered the downstairs plants, swept and mopped the floors on Bev's side of the house (the master bedroom, bathroom, closet and laudry room), brushed the cat and covered the "butcher block" (it's not really butcher block but a really cool old table that fills in for one in the middle of the kitchen) with saran wrap so my clean up would be a breeze, I am clever after all, and checked to see how the butter was coming along.

Since it was now 7:30 my butter was ready so I finished adding my liquids to my dry ingredients and turn on the mixer.  Nothing.  Tried a different plug and still nothing.  SO I started beating it by hand.  It wasn't too bad (or nearly as efficient) for the first 2 minutes when it dawned on me to check the plug ins on the opposite side of the kitchen.  I used the one where the coffee pot is plugged in since the clock was flashing on it (power outage earlier in the week and I never rest it) and it worked.  So I moved my bowl and flour over and finished the timed mixing.  Then I switched to a big spoon for the end when it gets thicker and the mixer starts saying no.  By 8:30 I had them on baking sheets and ready to cover to rise.  I had a productive morning, to say the least.  I had knocked more than half of my list off and it was still early.  Yay me!  I'll be back....

It's been an hour or so but in that time I finished and started another load(s) of laundry, baked and frosted said cinnimon rolls and while I was frosting, my rice was cooking so when the rolls and the rice were done I made my musubis and man the house smelled awesome! I also cleaned inside the fridge, a task I started earlier this week but only got half done so now that is completely done, watered the upstairs plants and my list is all checked off and it is only 11:30 but the list was just a half dozen items that I started but that was as far as I got on it last night.  Still have some stuff I want to get done but I have plenty of time.  Think I will maybe start a chime now...

The cinnimon roll process:

Rolled out, taking up most of the table ^

On the baking sheet ready to rise ^


Raised and ready to bake, taking up the whole pan now ^

Baked and frosted and yes I had one: YUMMY!

I went off to make a chime hours ago because it is now after 6 pm already.  No, the chime did not take that long, I was doing other stuff, too numerous to remember it all but  I can tell you that my back is now aching and there was a couple more loads of laundry and a couple of phone calls in there, too.  Plus, when I finished the chime I went to look for a pillar candle for the chime:

which turned out quite beautifully!  It was 3:30 before I left and I almost didn't go, it was so hot and I had more stuff I wanted to get done so I almost talked myself out of it, but thankfully I failed and went because I just couldn't bring myself to take a picture of a chime until it is completely done and picture ready.  So off I went to Goodwill and the candle was the only one I could find oddly because normally they have a number of them but it was a fortutous trip anyway because had I not gone, I never would have found the "base" for my next chime:

I know it looks huge but it is really only 18 1/2" long and with all the blue glass I have, he should go quick, making Chrissy happy for venturing out on a hot Sunday.  I don't know how hot, I didn't check but it is cooling down now and it is still 97 degrees.  Bless my heart, LOL.  I also picked up a new swaetshirt because I only have a few and I wear all of them every day so I needed a new color and this one is pink and was half off so a whole $2.50 plus my old lady discount so YAY me, again.  Oh, and a new coffee mug, a cool travel mug with the rubber on the bottom.  Me likey.

I came back from my little adventure and on the way up the driveway I stopped and whacked down some blackberry stems (?) that had grown so tall they were falling down into the driveway and it was driving me crazy.  One of those bad boys, on its way down, snagged my leg with one of its little hooks and most people would pay money to have seen me fighting it off like it was a big poisonous spider or something.  Heck, I would have paid money to see me do it, it must have looked hyterical.  We shall never know but I am laughing about it now, not so much when I was trying to get that hook out of my leg and it hurt!

It was 5 when I got in and put my things away, had a bite to eat and went to get the dogs' bedding in (had the big comforter hanging out on the railing) and made their beds in the kennel.  Came outside to put the candle on the chime and get pictures and I was going to blog some more but my netbook wouldn't turn on.  Plus it was blasted hot so I went in to take a shower and walking through the master "closet", where the kennel is, I see this:

I have seen a lot of things in my time but I never expected to find Mickey in the dog kennel.  I guess he just appreciates freshly laundered bedding.  Can't say I blame him.  Too funny.  So I went up and took my shower and came back to catch you up.  And now it is going on 7 and I still need to water the back gardens.  I don't mind since I am so pleased with my little garden.  So I had best get on it before it is past my bedtime as it is back to work tomorrow.  I know it sounds like I worked harder today but with only one day off a lot needs to get done.  I am saving the rubbish and kitchen floor for tomorrow as I am too tired now.  So until tomorrow stay blessed, be well and all my love.

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