Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Time to get back to work in the "real" world

We Aquarians may seem rooted in our own perception of reality and what the population at large would call dreaming but it serves its purpose.  It is not, however, always profitable in an ongoing sustainable fashion.  When I left you yesterday I was headed back out to re take the solder tests, this occasion it was timed and I was not given a yes or no but shown to the door and told I would hear later.  I was frustrated, to say the least, and wondering what was wrong with me that I have not secured a job after a month when I have repeatedly shown up regularly for the 2 jobs I most wanted.  I figure it must be them, I am amazing after all.

So I came home and finished this cute little chime I started on Sunday:

Still feeling out of sorts, I started another chime.  I was working on it when, indeed, they did call back and offer me the position.  I felt better, excited even and I go do my paperwork shortly and start tomorrow morning for my training.  So after today, the blog will be updated in the evenings.

I wound up finishing this chime, too:

It is hard to see how pretty it really is but I took the most wonderful pictures for my Etsy page with my 35MM and here is the link:


You may have to copy/paste it into your browser but it is worth the effort I believe.  Then I went out and tended to my garden, the little weeds trying to have their way with my vegetable beds but I am not having it.  Weeded and then watered and as I came back to the porch Bev arrived home, long day for her, it was after 8.  She will be leaving from work to go to a training in Portland until Friday so it is me, the cat and the escape artist (yes, she somehow found a way to get out late last night) and Tony and Daisy.  They will be having an early bedtime for the remainder of the week and early rising, too.

Since Molly escaped last night, Bev texted Matt, the guy who is doing the lattice work and then will paint the back deck afterward, and he stopped this morning and reinforced everything that was done already so if she bails she must be jumping over or climbing out.  Like I have time for that now.  I have been giving her lots of Scooby snacks, hoping to fatten her up just a tad (she is not skinny but I figure putting a little more meat on her will help keep her in) with the added benefit of her waiting by the door for more.

So now I must get ready to head out to do my paperwork and when I get home, maybe I will make another chime, I am not sure, we'll see what the day brings.  So until tomorrow sometime...

Have a blessed day, be well and all my love.

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