Monday, June 4, 2018

A new week already

Let me see if the pics from yesterday will load:

Well, I couldn't get the huge bird of some sort in here yet, but this is the chime I worked on yesterday until I ran out of swivels but I think it will look great when I finish it today.

We unloaded the truck yesterday of our estate sale purchases and then took off to Goodwill where I got the cat head, on to Fred Meyer because Bev wanted a few things and I needed to restock on the egg supply (after I had my breakfast burrito there were only 5 left which seems criminal to me somehow) and then to the home improvement store so Bev could get more 1 x2 lumber for the lattice project on the back deck.  I cannot resist a home improvement store and I found wire there that better suits what I want and for less money so I was happy to come home and start putting the cat together.  Speaking of the lattice project, the evil empress has not been able to escape since they did both ends.

After I did that I went back and puttered around my garden, weeding and grabbing this tall skinny stake that I thought might work in the hole in the bottom of the cat head, like a garden decoration chime.  I discovered that not only weeds were starting to take off in my beds but the potatoes were, too!  I was having my doubts about them  because it took so long for them to show any growth at all and they were not planted very deep at all.  I can honestly say we are going to have a bumper crop of potatoes this year.  There is something very satisfying about growing your own vegetables.  They somehow taste better.

The day got late fast but then it was almost 4 when we had gotten home so I think I was having fun.  I am always losing track of time and it flies when I am building something.  It got chilly and I went in just before 9 and watched the Fleetwood Mac special on PBS then went right out at 10, waking up at 5:30 again.  

Came out with my cappuccino and was sitting here listening to the doves and thinking they were very loud as I watched a coyote trot across the far yard where the turkey usually does in the afternoon.  That was pretty breathtaking to see.  Just strolling from the field across to who knows where.  I love all the wildlife I see out here.  Sure, the eagles and squirrels and blue jays captivate me daily but seeing other wildlife is a treat as well.

Just got a call from the company I tested at on Friday and they asked me to come back and redo it, perhaps it wasn't as good as I thought but they are giving me another shot so I feel good about that.  I need to be there in a couple of hours so I had best get a move on so until tomorrow...

Have a wonderful day, be well and all my love.

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