Friday, June 22, 2018

It's been a couple days..

But last night I was just too exhausted to write and nothing really new to share.  Not that I have anything new tonight but I feel better when I do.  I am getting better at work, faster anyway, after a conversation with one of my coworkers (my watchdog, but she is helpful so I cut her some slack now) about my speed.  Her numbers versus mine and I said "and how many years have you been at it?  And how many days have I been at it?"  Seriously one cannot expect me to crank out the same volume as someone who has done them for years.  Problem solved.

Although yesterday I was so focused and mostly enjoying the challenge, that I didn't have a solitary thought about anything except what I was focused on.  Today I had other things going through my head but nothing worth sharing at the moment.  I have to ponder them  more for the proper verbage.  But, needles to say, it was much better.  It didn't hurt any that I am now part of the "cool kids" as they call themselves, the ones who are lighthearted and dress mostly in black and jeans, in a more biker than goth fashion, and I admit I enjoy them.

I was so hungry this morning, said it out loud to no one (no one can hear me when I talk anyway so I talk to myself a lot, think out loud as I do, and so on) "MAN I am hungry" as I continued my work.  The Universe heard and responded in kind at first break.  Sarah, my pal from the cool kids, said come on, we're going out to the sunshine for breakfast.  So we walked out to where we all park and were given doughnuts!  I cannot tell you how grateful I was, that glazed raised hit the spot and back to work I was cranking out the work in good time.  Of course by the last hour my eyes were tired and I was having a harder time seeing things, but tomorrow is another day.

The dogs, in case you are wondering, are fine, alllthough now Molly starts that crap every morning and Daisy is afraid to go outside after her so I have to coax her out.  But I keep a big cup of water by the door just in case.  I have to come up with a different solution tomorrow since they are at the other end now and I must walk them through the house to get to the slider in the dining room to get them out now.  And the water hose is on the OTHER side of the barricade.  I may go change that tonight when I finish here.

My garden is doing great and I water everything every night, even if I am not up to it, I'm responsible like that.  I am pretty tuckered, it is almost 6:30 (got home late, had to run an errand for Bev) and I still need to go water everything.  Hopefully I will have more to share tomorrow, more time to anyway, maybe.

My small tomatoe and canteloupe

My other bed, tomatoe, cucumber, squash

My squash, I am so pleased about it!

My cucumbers

Big tomatoe plant

Well, until tomorrow, stay blessed, be well and all my love.

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